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于是“狐狸溜进了皮克斯的鸡舍”Then a fox snuck into Pixar’s henhouse.

你是把狐狸放在鸡舍里。You're putting the fox into the henhouse.

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狐狸袭击鸡舍,接著带著俘获物逃走了。The fox raid the henhouse and run off with its prize.

在你拿起了今天的第一颗鸡蛋之后。After you fetched a day's first egg from the henhouse.

狐狸袭击鸡舍,接著带著俘获物逃走了。The fox raided the henhouse and ran off with its prize.

遗憾的是,这种做法无异于请狐狸去照看鸡窝。Unfortunately, it's a case of the fox guarding the henhouse.

但乍看起来,这确实就像让狐狸看守鸡舍一样。But at a glance, it certainly seems like a case of the fox guarding the henhouse.

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如今,企业一旦占据了鸡舍自豪地占据世界各地的办事处。Today, the business that once occupied a henhouse proudly occupies offices worldwide.

本实用新型适宜在群养养鸡舍内安装使用。The utility model is suitable for installation and use in the henhouse in social groups.

你认为住在鸡窝里和屋顶上的两只大公鸡哪只公鸡更好?Which rooster do you think is better, between theone in the henhouse and the one on the roof top?

小母鸡艰难地走过拥挤鸡群走到门口,把门打开,往外瞧瞧。The little pullet pushed through the crowded henhouse over to the door. She pushed it open and looked outside.

当我第一次考虑服从自然胃口的时候听起来就像是让黄鼠狼给鸡百年。When I first considered obeying my natural appetite, it sounded like leaving the fox in charge of the henhouse.

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据这只奇特的母鸡的主人,一名渔夫介绍,这只奇怪的母鸡不会飞,所以其他的鸡在夜晚都回屋顶鸡窝,只能她还留在地面上。The fisherman, owner of the queer hen, said that it can’t fly back to the henhouse on the roof like other chickens.

妈妈手臂上抱着从鸡窝里救出的受了惊的小鸡,爸爸抱着一只刚出生的小羊。Mother had an armful of frightened chicks she'd rescued from the henhouse. Dad was carrying a newborn lamb in his arms.

经过长久激烈的搏斗,一只公鸡打不下去了,于是钻到鸡窝最黑暗的角落里,以掩饰自己的羞愧。After a long, hard struggle one cook could fight no more. He crept into the darkest cjomer of the henhouse to hide his shame.

黄瓜率先说,“你觉着鸡舍里的那只和屋顶上的那只,那只更好一点?”"Which rooster do you think is better, between the one in the henhouse and the one on the roof top?" The cucumber asked first.

藏在鸡窝里的公鸡听到欢快的鸡鸣变成了绝望的惨叫,就向外窥视看看出了什么事情。The cook who was hiding in the henhouse heard the crows of triumph turn to cries of despair. He peered out to see what happening.

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不管这只“狐狸”是否承认他在纳斯达克这个“鸡窝”中应当承担的责任,仅凭此项指控,他就得在大牢里坐上20年。That one could get him 20 years in jail, regardless of whether the fox admits or denies his responsibility in this particular henhouse.

但是,在他为重组纽约证交所进行的初步努力中,他提出了一项无效的改革计划,该计划仍然是在让“狐狸看管鸡舍”。But, in one of his first efforts to redirect the NYSE, he has proposed an ineffectual reform that still leaves the fox guarding the henhouse.

然而现实却是这些当地的农民自己都没有足够的钱维持生计,更不用说起鸡舍搞养殖业了。But the reality is those farmers don't even have enough money to support their daily life, not to mention building the henhouse and running the business.