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那是场大灾难。It was a catastrophe.

一场灾祸正在酿成。A catastrophe is brewing.

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不能,这将是一场灾难。No. It would be a catastrophe.

是关于肉制品的灾难。The catastrophe concerned meat.

但那几乎是一场灾难。But that is hardly a catastrophe.

这无疑是一场灾难。This is not--This is a catastrophe.

瓶装水简直是一场生态浩劫。Bottled water is an ecological catastrophe.

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他在大灾难的边缘徘徊。He is teetering on the edge of catastrophe.

巨灾即大规模的自然灾害。Catastrophe is large-scale natural disaster.

灾难表示衰退,所以那就是正离子。Catastrophe is a downturn. So that is the cation.

“这对伊朗的电影业来说是大祸临头,”他说。"This is a catastrophe for Iran's cinema," he said.

如果我们进不了四分之一赛,那将会是灾难。If we do less than the quarters, it's a catastrophe.

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“这对伊朗的电影业来说是大祸临头,”他说。"This is a catastrophe for Iran's cinema, " he said.

那是娑婆浩劫传出的声音!They are the voices of catastrophe in the Saha world.

上面绣着一位古代的女子,一场灾难正要降临到她头上。It showed some catastrophe befalling a classical lady.

所以,其壁画描写了大灾劫和军事解严。Thus the telling murals of catastrophe and martial law.

往日的一张利嘴今天却给他惹了大祸。Today his usually gib tongue has brought him catastrophe.

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任何超度的增长都会引发气候灾难。Anything rise beyond that could trigger climate catastrophe.

失败,犯错,制造混乱或者大灾难的行为The act of fail, to blunder, to make a snafu, or catastrophe

其实,老化何止是一个错误,更是一个灾难。Actually, aging is worse than a mistake, it is a catastrophe.