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但数量过剩是一种危机。But overpopulation is a crisis.

人口过剩是个普遍的问题。Overpopulation is a universal problem.

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现在,他正致力于解决极端贫困、人口过剩和气候变化问题。Now he’s tackling extreme poverty, overpopulation and climate change.

这首歌是关于当今人口过剩和资源消耗等问题的。This is a song about overpopulation and the depleting of our resources.

现在,有形的物质世界的首要问题是人口过剩。Then, as now, the materials state, the chief problem was overpopulation.

历史上,人口过剩的问题从来没有比现在更加突出。In history, the overpopulation problem has never been so stand out like now.

动物收容所给那儿的所有动物做了节育手术,防止数量过剩。The animal shelter fixes all animals that come there, to prevent overpopulation.

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回首20世纪70年代早期,人口过剩像是要毁灭地球。Back in the early 1970s, it was overpopulation that was about to destroy the Earth.

现在不只是科学家们在讨论人口过剩问题,马赛族人也在讨论这个问题。Overpopulation is not only discussed among scientists, but also in the Maasai community.

人口过剩问题很复杂,全世界都在极力解决这个问题。The issue of overpopulation is a complicated one, and it's being addressed internationally.

人口过剩问题很复杂,全世界都在极力解决这个问题。The issue of overpopulation is a complicated one, and it’s being addressed internationally.

空气和水的污染,植物和动物物种,人口过剩等过度。Air and water pollution, overharvesting of plant and animal species, overpopulation and so on.

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另一方面,越来越多的人们正警觉到了人口过剩的危机。On the other hand, more and more people are becoming alarmed about the dangers of overpopulation.

最后,祖先崇拜的信条和妇女的不平等地位助长了中国人口的过度增长。Finally, the doctrines of ancestor worship and inequality of women help in the overpopulation of the country.

但是,约翰•格雷指出,这位末代港督回避了人口过剩等“难以启齿的现实”。But the former Hong Kong governor avoids some "unmentionable realities" – like overpopulation – writes John Gray.

印度发现她只有过剩的人口可以提供,而其他国家谁也不想要更多的嘴。India finds it has only its massive overpopulation to offer, and other countries are not looking for more bodies.

印度人口过多依旧是个问题,但现在女人平均生育2.6个小孩,而且该数字还在下降。Indian overpopulation is still a problem, but the average woman now has 2.6 children, and the figure is dropping.

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浙江大陈岛上泛滥的梅花鹿已经开始影响当地岛民的生活了。A deer overpopulation on Dachen Island off the coast of Zhejiang Province has recently been disrupting locals' lives.

工业废水,生活污水,人口过剩和农业排放等污染物把江河湖泊泡制成毒液之源。Pollutants like industrial waste, sewage runoff, overpopulation and agriculture discharges all make for quite a toxic brew.

由于对于全球变暖的恐慌越来越多,谈论过剩人口又合乎时宜了。Thanks to the increased hysteria about global warming, talk about overpopulation has become politically correct once again.