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铝丝。Aluminium wire.

铝是一种轻金属。Aluminium is a light metal.

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铝矿砂及其精矿。Aluminium ores and concentrates.

高纯铝反射器。High purity aluminium reflector.

达到技术纯度要求的铝锭.Aluminium bars of technical purity.

锡膏,红胶,银浆。Solder Paste, Glue, Aluminium Paste.

用锡箔纸包裹烤鱼的窍门!Tips to baking fish in aluminium foil!

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铜金属、铝金属及其合金。Cuprous metals, aluminium and its alloys.

我们用铝做饭锅。We employ aluminium for our cooking pots.

我们最好不要在使用铝锅。We shouldn't use aluminium pans any more.

昆山一一铝业有限公司。Henan Huilong Aluminium Industry Co. , Ltd.

在盘子上盖一层铝箔纸。Lay a sheet of aluminium foil over the pan.

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铝加工起来比其它金属快。Aluminium machines faster than other metals.

熔铸设备,铝棒均质炉组,挤压设备。Hangxing Aluminium equipment plant Co. , Ltd.

上海振兴铝业有限公司。Shanghai Zhenxing Aluminium Industry Co. , Ltd.

铝臂支架和偏心轴套。Aluminium wishbone braces and eccentric bushings.

银、铜和铝是良导体。Sliver, copper and aluminium are good conductors.

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碳纤维底盘,压制成型的铝质后摇臂。Carbon fibre chassis, pressed aluminium swing-arm.

铝粉和水的反应是次要的。The reaction of aluminium with water is secondary.

窗框和百叶窗的阳极氧化铝。Window frames and shutters are anodised aluminium.