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属长治市管辖。Jurisdiction is in Changzhi City.

偏关县辖镇。Pianguan County town jurisdiction.

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其刑事管辖权在下文讨论。Its criminal jurisdiction is discussed below.

审理案件的权力称为审判权。The power to hear cases is called jurisdiction.

这种审判权和力量是留给警察的。The power and jurisdiction rest upon the Police.

并非所有地区都承认所有这四类侵权。Not every jurisdiction recognizes all four torts.

联合国法庭对非成员国不能行使其裁判权。The UN court has no jurisdiction over non-members.

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您需要指定许可的权限范围。You may designate the jurisdiction of your license.

常州隶属江苏省。Changzhou is under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu Province.

这个案件属于低一级法院的管辖范围。This case comes under the jurisdiction of a lower court.

军事审判权是军事审判制度的核心。Military jurisdiction is the core of court martial system.

本院对在美国的财产无裁判权。This court has no jurisdiction over the property in America.

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这个办事处是受中国政府管辖的.This office is under the jurisdiction of Chinese government.

你提到的村庄并不在我的管辖范围。The village you speak of does not fall under my jurisdiction.

他们管辖下的阿姆斯特丹赛。They were under the jurisdiction of the Classis of Amsterdam.

冲绳是日本的一个县或称地方管辖区。Okinawa is a Prefecture or sub national jurisdiction of Japan.

秦汉时期,大连地区属辽东郡辖区。Qin and Han dynasties, Dalian jurisdiction of Liaodong county.

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国家刑事管辖权是指国家管辖犯罪的权力。The state's criminal jurisdiction is the power to punish crime.

该分庭一直行使海事管辖权。This division continued to exercise the admiralty jurisdiction.

因此,CPS同意放弃管辖权。The CPS therefore agreed to cede jurisdiction to US authorities.