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斯蒂芬·科维会感到自豪的。Stephen Covey would be proud.

斯蒂棼·科卫称之为“先定目标后有行动”。Steven Covey calls this "Begin with the end in mind."

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活出想象,不要重复过往。----史蒂芬·柯维。Live out your imagination, not your history. ---- Stephen Covey.

除了前面的预言之外,该书分为三个部分。After the initial overview, Covey separates his book into three parts.

只有草坪上飘来的几声鹌鹑的啼鸣打破清晨的寂静。The early silence was broken only by the calls of a covey of quail crossing the lawn.

暂且别想大卫艾伦的‘时间管理’,先忘了斯蒂芬柯维以及你的‘七个习惯’。Forget David Allen and “Getting Things Done”. So long Stephen Covey and your Seven Habits.

科维提到了6中向情感账户增加储蓄的办法。Here are the 6 major ways of making deposits to an emotional bank account as outlined by Covey.

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在茅屋外面的霸王树丛中,一群小鸟一面嘁嘁喳喳地叫着,一面拍打着翅膀。Outside the brush house in the tuna clump, a covey of little birds chattered and flurried with their wings.

我笨拙的动作惊飞了一群窝里的鸽子,之后他们又任凭我在藤蔓上绊了一脚。They let me stumble about on the trails for a time before my clumsiness flushed a covey of doves from their rest.

我们从一群鹌鹑在高高的土西子湖一起刷和我银行杀害了两名,因为他们消失不见了的上方银行。We flushed a covey of quail under a high clay bank with overhanging brush and I killed two as they went out of sight over the top of the bank.

高高的土堤上长着倒垂下来的灌木丛,我们从那下面撵起了一群鹌鹑。当它们快要从堤岸顶上消失时,我击落了两只。We flushed a covey of quail under a high clay bank with over hanging brush and I killed two as they went out of sight over the top of the bank.

他继续赶他的路,快速向前奔,几乎是极有把握的样子,象一只凭嗅觉猎取鹧鸪的狐狸一样敏捷。And he pursued his road, walking rapidly straight ahead, and with almost an air of certainty, with the sagacity of a fox scenting a covey of partridges.

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他继续赶他的路,快速向前奔,几乎是极有把握的样子,象一只凭嗅觉猎取鹧鸪的狐狸一样敏捷。And he pursued his road, walking rapidly straight ahead, and with almost an air of certainty, with the sagacity of a fox scenting a covey of partridges.

用史蒂芬柯维的话来说,CEO必须像乐队指挥一样来管理企业,让企业的各个组成部分能够表演出“合奏”或着说是“协同表演”。The CEO must manage the enterprise as a symphony conductor, getting all parts of the enterprise to play ensemble, or with synergy, to use Stephen Covey s term.

有几只鹌鹑停落在树上,但大部分飞散了,钻进了灌木丛。你得在这些被冰裹着的树丛上跳上好几下,才能把它们惊起。Some of the covey lit in trees, but most of them scattered into rush piles and it was necessary to jump on the ice-coated mounds of brush several times before they would flush.

有几只鹤鹑停落在树上,但大部分飞散了,钻进了灌木丛。你得在这些被冰裹着的树丛上跳上好几下,才能把它们惊起。Some of the covey lit in trees, but most of them scattered into brush piles and it was necessary to jump on the ice-coated mounds of brush several times before they would flush.

我们可以从千年以前亚里士多德和老子的著作到当代的史蒂芬柯维和达赖喇嘛的著作中观察到。We see reflections of this observation in the works of Aristotle and Lao Tzu from millennia ago on through the works of contemporary thinkers such as Stephen Covey and the Dalai Lama.

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我还要说,借用史蒂文•科威的模型,这一情况就是“紧急”与“重要但不紧急”之间的抉择,减少短期成本总是紧急的,而更加战略性的行动常常被放在一边。I’ll also say that I think some of this is an “Urgent” versus “Important but not Urgent” scenario, using the timeless Steven Covey framework. Cutting short-term costs is usually urgent.

为适应输送强磨蚀、高浓度渣浆的要求,重型固液泵的泵体采用双层泵体结构,即由内衬和外壳两部分组成。Be adapt to covey heavy abrasion, high-concentration dreg , heavy solid-liquid pump's body is used double-deck construction , in other words, being made of inside lining and outside shell.

史蒂芬科维称之为在自己可影响的范围内工作,这样子比为自己无力控制的事情而烦恼要舒服的多,而且解决问题的效率更高。Stephen Covey calls this working within your circle of influence and it's a much more comfortable and effective place to operate from than stressing over things that are totally beyond your control.