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代词回指是回指的一种。Pronominal anaphora is one kind of anaphora.

“女拳手”一度成为“酷”的代名词。"Female fist hand " become for a time " cruel " pronominal.

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第三人称代词回指则是回指的一种。This paper mainly discusses the third person pronominal anaphora.

假设在他语言发展期间,完整名词片语和代名词主词的比例维持不变。Let's assume that proportions of full NP to pronominal subjects stays constant throughout development.

假设在他语言发展期间,完整名词词组到代名词当主语的比例维持不变。Let's assume that proportions of full np to pronominal subjects stays constant throughout development.

英语和汉语无标记性的人称回指手段分别是代词回指和零形回指。The English and Chinese unmarked personal anaphora are pronominal anaphora and zero anaphora respectively.

为了对此类照应修正现象提供一个更加充分的、综合性的解释,论文最终提出了一个“照应修正的语用认知模型”。Finally, a pragmatic and cognitive model of anaphoric repair is advanced for a comprehensive and synthetic interpretation of repairs of pronominal forms.

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本文认为,汉语代词宾语前置变后置顺应了世界语言从SOV语序向SVO语序发展的总体趋势。There is a general tendency that most languages should change into SVO order from SOV order and that's why pronominal objects change their position in Chinese.

代词性的与代词相似的,如主要作为谈话的另一部分时指代人、地方或事的。Resembling a pronoun, as by specifying a person, place, or thing, while functioning primarily as another part of speech. His in his choice is a pronominal adjective.

在这篇文献中他们首次使用了权势语义和等同语义的社会语言学理论并指出谈话双方对第二人称代词的选择主要是由双方的权势或等同关系所影响。In their pioneering work, Brown and Gilman proposed the sociolinguistic terms power semantic and solidarity semantic for the first time, which govern the choice of the pronominal forms.

建立在修辞结构理论基础之上的前指分布规律可以用来分析语篇中名词和代词前指分布的情况。The rule of the distribution of the nominal and pronominal anaphora based on the Rhetorical Structure Theory is employed in this paper to analyze the texts from FIDIC Contract Conditions.

左向移位是功能语法中的一种句法结构,其中一个成分被移至句首是主位结构分析中的一个分支。The left dislocation construction refers to a syntactic structure in which a constituent is moved to the beginning of a sentence and original position is usually marked by a pronominal element.

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然而,汉语固然为代词脱落语言,以零代词来指称前后文的名词做为语言使用的常态。However, although Chinese is a prop-drop language and does often use zero anaphor for second mention, it also appears to opt for pronominal anaphora in certain discourse contexts and situations.

左移位指一种句法结构,其中一个成分被移至句首,此时原来的位置往往通过一个代词成分标出。The left dislocation construction refers to a syntactic structure in which a constituent is moved to the beginning of a sentence and the original position is usually marked by a pronominal element.