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这里就有十个.Here are ten.

九和十。Nine and ten.

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十笑乐逍遥!Ten smile joy!

我跟你下十元的赌注。I'll see your ten.

她们吃了十碗粥。They eat ten bowl.

一只螃蟹有十只脚。A crab has ten feet.

但我穿十号的衣服。But I wear scal ten.

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我还少十块钱。I'm short ten bucks.

五加五是十。Five and five is ten.

做一个10年计划。Make a ten year plan.

十个中有一个会失败。One in ten will fail.

她花了十元买那支笔。She ten yuan the pen.

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这树十英吋。The tree is ten inch.

十分钟到瓦普纳。Ten minutes to Wapner.

二乘五等于一十。Two times five is ten.

我一天做十个伏地挺身。I do ten pushups a day.

趾骨,我有十个。Phalanges , I have ten.

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史密斯连投了十次球。Smith bowled ten overs.

十个小女巫天上飞。Ten witches in the sky.

他出给了我一张十点的牌。He passed me a ten spot.