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指甲内嵌通常发生在大拇指上。Ingrown toenails usually occur in the big toe.

所以,像脚趾甲向内生长这种问题就会增多。Thus the problems like ingrown toenail arises.

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我曾经获得可怕嵌毛发后激光脱毛。I used to get terrible ingrown hairs after laser hair removal.

这会降低脚趾甲再向内生长的概率。This will minimize the chances of recurrence of ingrown toenails.

在令人厌烦的过程嵌脱毛不像过去是。The irksome process of ingrown hair removal is not like it used to be.

如果脚指甲长得很弯,或者已经嵌入肉里面,你可能需要别人帮忙来处理。If you have deeply curved or ingrown nails, you may need help trimming them.

今天我的医生告诉我,我有一只内生睾丸长在肚子里。Today, my doctor told me that I have an ingrown testicle lodged in my abdomen.

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避免脚部受伤害,有鸡眼,胼胝或者向内生长的脚趾甲及时请足病医生治疗。Avoid injury to your feet. Have corns , calluses, or ingrown toenails treated by a podiatrist.

指甲特别是脚趾甲可能变得又厚又硬,趾甲向肉内生长在老年人中非常普遍。Nails, especially toenails, may become hard and thick and ingrown toenails may be more common.

结论该手术从根本上治愈嵌甲,且并发症少,复发率极低。Conclusion This technique treats the causes of ingrown nail with few complication and low recurrence.

粗糙的修剪指甲是最容易发展成嵌甲了,那种往肉里长的指甲,疼,肿,还会感染。Clumsy nail trimming is the top cause of ingrown toenails, which can cause pain, swelling, and infections.

那些为脚趾甲向内长而苦恼的人们更应该经常光着脚走路。Those who tend to suffer from ingrown toenails quite frequently should go for barefoot walking more often.

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他周游世界,成为世界上门户极深的外交政策专家集团的一员。He traveled far and wide, and became a member of that ingrown world establishment of foreign policy experts.

今天我的医生告诉我,我有一只内生睾丸长在肚子里。而我,是一个24岁的女人。FML。Today, my doctor told me that I have an ingrown testicle lodged in my abdomen. I am a 24 year old woman. FML.

目的评价高频电刀治疗复发性嵌甲的疗效。To evaluate the effect of high frequency electrocautery ablation in the treatment of recurrent ingrown toenails.

是指脚指甲生长到肉中,指甲内嵌生长可引起疼痛,红肿或是感染。A toenail that has grown into the skin, an ingrown toenail can result in pain, redness, swelling, even infection.

这种款式为喜欢活动的人所流行,因为它降低了这些向内生长的毛发囧住内衣裤松紧带的风险。This style is popular with active people as it reduces the risk of ingrown hairs from chaffing underpants elastic.

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无油,无泡沫。减少剃刀的刺激,减少内生须的生长,促进皮肤显露健康外观。This oil-free, no foam shave cream fights razor bumps , minimizes ingrown hairs and improves skin's overall healthy look.

皮肤对此毫无准备,你很可能产生刮脸后的烧灼感,并且造成胡须向内生长。The skin is extemporaneous to this fine long hair, you produce the burn move after shave probably, and cause beard ingrown.

广泛的趾甲褶皱和薄、扁平趾甲会提高嵌甲的发生率,但这未经证实。Wider nail folds and thinner, flatter nails are thought to increase the risk for ingrown toenails, but this is still unproven.