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来代替储蓄机构这个词。to a depository institution.

陪审团是一种独特的制度。The jury is a unique institution.

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停止思维像一个机构。Stop thinking like an institution.

在婚姻制度里。within the institution of marriage.

毫无产权制度可言。There is no institution of property.

什么是机构名称重合?What is institution name conflation?

它们是否符合婚姻制度的目标。of the social institution of marriage.

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我是胡佛研究院的皮特·罗宾逊。I'm Peter Robinson with Hoover institution.

他问的是教皇职位的设立。He asked about the institution of the papacy.

那是一个非常有维多利亚预感的机构。It’s a very foreboding Victorian institution.

结婚当然是一种制度。Of course the conjugal state was an institution.

因为教堂是一个私人机构。Oh, because the church is a private institution.

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粮农组织作为一个机构应当负有责任。FAO as an institution should be held responsible.

奴隶制已经不仅是个盈利的金融机构了It wasn't just a profitable financial institution.

这些改革,最终导致了里甲制度的产生。The reform finally resulted in Li-Jia Institution.

这每周一次午餐变成了一种经常的制度。The weekly luncheons became a regular institution.

真理就是市场不过是一种社会制度。The truth is that markets are a social institution.

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名单中的收款人在您的金融机构。In the list of payees at your financial institution.

期初余额不同的机构体制。Opening balances vary from institution to institution.

在一所盲人学校,安妮学了布莱叶盲文。At an institution for the blind, Annie learned braille.