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为了反映任何改变,更新阀值策略和SLA。To reflect any changes, update the threshold policies and SLA.

一个从四面八方穿过灌木丛过来的骑兵队发起了令人恐怖的猛攻。A sabre sla mmed fearsomely through the thicket in all directions.

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在语言学习之初,第一语言可以使二语习得变得容易理解和学习。At the beginning, first language makes SLA easier to understand and learn.

在二语习得中,语感这一概念可谓“可意会不可言传”。The concept of language sense is ' understandable yet indescribable in SLA.

中介语的石化是二语习得中一种不可避免的现象。Fossilization in interlanguage is an unavoidable and universal phenomenon in SLA.

其中克拉申的第二语言习得理论对二语习得和外语教学产生了深远的影响。Krashen' s SLA theory exerts far-reaching influences on SLA and second language teaching.

从浑沌学理论来看,二语习得是一个复杂的、动态的、有序与无序并存的非线性系统。According to Chaos Theory, SLA is a complex dynamic ordered-and-unordered nonlinear system.

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二十世纪八十年代中后期,对在课堂环境下的二语习得的研究开始热门起来。After the middle of 1980s, the research of SLA in classroom settings started to be popular.

三十多年来,二语词汇习得研究成为二语习得研究中最热点的下属领域之一。In the past thirty years, L2 vocabulary acquisition has become one of the hottest areas of SLA.

快速硅胶真空倒模,复模,喷油及小批量生产。Rapid silica gel vacuum reverse mould, SLA rapid prototype, oil spraying and small lot production.

这是为什么呢?她为何以塔尼亚的假名发表一段录音信息宣布自己已经加入SLA?Why did she issue a taped message, under the nom de guerre Tania , announcing she had joined the SLA?

然而,第二语言习得中词汇的教与学却被人们忽略了。However, the importance of vocabulary learning and teaching in SLA has been neglected for many decades.

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在一个基于SLA的服务监测和管理工作方面,ABC如何对SOA架构师及开发者提供帮助?How does ABC help the SOA architects and developers in SLA based service monitoring and management efforts?

浑沌学理论用整体观来看待二语习得,有助于我们加深对二语习得的认识。Chaos Theory views SLA with a holistic approach and is helpful for us to have a better understanding of SLA.

第二部分概述建构主义,任务型教学及二语习得理论。The second part gives a general description about the Social Constructivism, Task-based LT and SLA Theories.

石化作为中介语最明显的特征,是第二语言习得研究中的一个复杂的核心话题。As the most prominent feature of interlanguage, fossilization is a complex and central topic in SLA research.

Westbrook甚至设计过共生解放军队的标志,一个长着七个头的眼镜蛇,并给了DeFreeze他的非洲名字Cinque。Westbrook even designed the SLA logo, the cobra with seven heads, and gave De Freeze his African name of Cinque.

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同输出一样,自我改正作为促进自主学习的一种方法近年也倍受研究者的关注。Similarly, self-correction has drawn much of SLA researchers attention to its role in promoting learner autonomy.

如果不遵守这一条款,则会违反SLA,并可能会导致供应商保修或责任条款无效。Failure to comply can result in a violation of the SLA and potential nullification of any vendor warranties or liabilities.

服务水平标准中的一个条项。表明哪些商业团体和IT小组共享服务的所有权及他们的代表。An aspect of an SLA that shows which business groups and IT groups share ownership of the service and their representatives.