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在这鬼天气了。During the dog days.

在下班时间致电。Call during off hours.

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他进来的时候正在放电影。He came in during the film.

在讲演过程中,他离开了。He left during the lecture.

妊娠期间感染。Infection during pregnancy.

起飞时不要抽烟。No smoking during take-off.

在影片期间,我打瞌睡。I dozed off during the film.

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我看电影时打起盹儿来了。I dozed off during the film.

白天到外面去玩。Play outside during the day.

这只在起飞的时候才发生That happens during takeoff.

他在看电影时打起了瞌睡。He dozed off during the film.

收获期间下雨了。It rained during the harvest.

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在办公时间拜访助教。Drop in during TA office hours.

这些我只在假期期间做。I do this only during holidays.

白天我通常不在家。I'm usually out during the day.

她在他的课上不停地打呵欠。She yawned during his lecture.

堤坝在洪水中屹立不动。The dike held during the flood.

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当然,白天里还要喝更多。Also, drink more during the day.

他在旅行中拿她打趣逗乐。He devilled her during the tour.

他在旅行时留了胡子。He grew a beard during the trip.