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无尽的热恼,因忏悔而清凉。Endless defilement ceases through repentance.

它受到各种染污的责备。It gets reproached by all kinds of defilement.

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头脑,你何时才学会把洁净和污秽放在两旁。With Cleanliness and Defilement on either side of you?

爱是看见了罪的污染,就寻找一个洁净的方法。Love saw the defilement of sin, and sought a way of cleansing.

我们必须摆脱污渍,不然我们是不会准备好的。Our defilement must be gotten rid, of or we will not be ready.

当罪与脏污累积在我们的心灵时,我们就必须被彻底洗净。When sin and defilement accumulate in our hearts, we need to be cleansed.

那么,如何摆脱这些污渍来做好准备呢?Well, how is this defilement going to be gotten rid of so that we will be ready?

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这就是做好准备的含义,那时候,所有的污点都被带走了。That is what it means to be ready, because then, all the defilement is taken out.

具备文殊菩萨的智慧,远离恼害。Follow the wisdom of Manjusri Bodhisattva, keep away from troubles and defilement.

这就是为什么他顺便地告诉我们,婚姻不能被称为肮脏。This is why he tells us parenthetically that marriage must not be called a defilement.

这就是为什么他顺便地告诉我们,婚姻不能被称为肮脏。This is why he tells us parenthetically that marriage must not be called a defilement.

当人故意违背神的律例,典章,就是亵渎神的名。Anyone who touch the sanctified vessels of God in defilement are profaning the name of God.

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象征神使我们成圣的恩典,使我们每日从罪中得洁净。Depicts the sanctifying grace of God, providing daily cleansing from the defilement of sin.

象徵神使我们成圣的恩典,使我们每日从罪中得洁净。Depicts the sanctifying grace of God, providing daily cleansing from the defilement of sin.

换言之,安祥与和谐是不能与负面情绪或不净念头并存的。A negativity in the mind, a mental defilement or impurity, cannot coexist with peace and harmony.

最后,菩萨不会思维这个思想既智慧熄灭污染。To the end, the Bodhisattva-mahasattva does not entertain the thought that Wisdom crushes out defilement.

这个仪式也预表耶稣为祂百姓的罪污代受流血的刑罚。This ritual prefigured the vicarious execution of Jesus for the blood-guiltiness and defilement of His people.

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正因为如此,我将会学习实践智慧和切断烦恼的束缚并且获得解脱。On this account, I shall now learn to practise Wisdom and sever the bond of defilement and attain Emancipation.

这是我们每个人都知道。凡是学佛者,都会说「众生垢重」这句话。The Buddha said, Sentient beings are steeped in defilement. Who is without transgression? Who is without fault?

身心疾苦是烦恼所造成,要消除病苦,必先净化自己的身心。Physical and mental illness originates in defilement. To banish them, we must first purify our bodies and minds.