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这种精美的双壳贝的两扇完全对称。Both halves of this delicate bivalve are exactly matched.

但是,你可曾听说过有人试图用打字机来剖开陆生的壳类动物吗?But did you ever notice anyone try to open the terrestrial bivalve with a typewriter?

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刊出部分化石图版,简述双壳类化石组合特征。In addition, a brief account is also given on the characteristics of fossil bivalve assemblages.

为了防止取样的偏颇,他们将分析的对象限制在一类化石记录保存完备动物——双壳类软体动物。To avoid sampling bias , they restricted their analysis to one group of animals—the bivalve molluscs—that fossilise well.

该双壳化石组合的发现对歪古村组沉积时期双壳动物群的面貌是一个补充。The discovery of bivalve fossil assemblages supplied the feature of bivalve fauna during the deposition of the Waigucun Formation.

任一种扇贝科海洋软体动物,能自由游动,生有辐射状扇状双壳。Any of various free-swimming marine mollusks of the family Pectinidae, having fan-shaped bivalve shells with a radiating fluted pattern.

本文介绍了双阀值窗口比较开关及三态比较开关的基本工作原理及应用。This paper presents basic operating principle and application of bivalve value window comparison switch and three state comparison switch.

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但一旦它们变得成年,这些巨大的双壳贝软体动物永久地粘附它们自己到表面例如沙滩或珊瑚礁粗石堆。But once they grow to adulthood, these largest of bivalve mollusks permanently affix themselves to surfaces such as sand or coral reef rubble.

尽管捷布朗斯基博士所研究的双壳类世系随着波涛从赤道开始蔓延扩散,但它们并没有随着波涛的消亡而一同绝灭。Although the bivalve lineages Dr Jablonski studied spread out from the equator in waves, they did not become extinct in the wake of these waves.

这里有个例子,一种牡蛎状双壳贝,进化出越来越趋螺旋状的外壳,直到该物种灭绝前,其外壳已经几乎打不开了。There is a case of an oysterlike bivalve that evolved a more and more spiraled shell until, just before extinction, the valves could barely open.

布曲组中的生物碎屑灰岩和钙质泥岩层中产大量的双壳类和腕足类化石,时代为中侏罗世巴通期。There are rich bivalve and brachiopodous fossils within the bioclastic limestone and calcareous mudstone in the Buqu Formation in age from Bathonian.

河蚌与植物集成净化技术既能够消除水体悬浮物、藻类,又可有效去除营养盐。The purification technique, combining bivalve and plant floating-bed, could not only get rid of suspended substance and algae, but also remove the nutrient effectively.

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侏罗纪的海相双壳类很丰富,非海相双壳类也迅速发展起来,它们在陆相地层的划分与对比上起了重要作用。Jurassic marine bivalve is very rich, non-marine bivalves also developed rapidly, and their continental formation on the division and correlation played an important role.

浮游植物是滤食性贝类的主要饵料,也是海洋主要的初级生产者,因此研究贝类养殖对浮游植物群落的影响具有重要的科学意义。Phytoplankton is the main food to the bivalve filter-feeders and the marine primary producer, so the impacts on the phytoplankton community by scallop culture deserve studying.

大珠母贝珍珠层的结构色是由文石板片和蛋白质层构成的多层薄膜结构和黄色素的共同作用决定的。The structural color of nacre in bivalve shells of Pinctada maxima is derived from the combination effects of aragonite-protein multilayer structure and yellow pigments in nacre.

当然,用剑劈开牡蛎并非难事。但是,你可曾听说过有人试图用打字机来剖开陆生的壳类动物吗?又有谁会花时间来等待从用这样的方法来打开的一打贝壳里取出的生肉?。It is not difficult to open an oyster with a sword. But did you ever notice anyone try to open the terrestrial bivalve with a typewriter?Like to wait for a dozen raw opened that way?

采用反射光谱、扫描电镜及理论模拟计算对三角帆蚌韧带的结构色及微结构进行了较为系统的研究。The structural color and microstructure of the bivalve ligament of Hyriopsis cunimgii were investigated by reflection spectra, scanning electron microscope and theoretical simulation.

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通过的这些新标准将对保护人类健康大有帮助,因为它们提出鱼类中铅以及大米、海洋双壳贝类和头足类动物中镉的新的最高限量。The new standards adopted will go a long way towards protecting human health, as they set out new, maximum limits for lead in fish, cadmium in rice, marine bivalve molluscs and cephalopods.