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今天流的口水将汇成明天的眼泪。Today's slaver will drain into tomorrow's tear.

今天的谄媚,将成为明天的眼泪。Today's slaver will drain into tomorrow's tear.

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现在流的是哈喇子,将成为明天的眼泪。Today's slaver will drain into tomorrow's tear.

于是残酷的奴隶贩子带我到这里来,横渡过海洋。Then hither me across the sea the cruel slaver brought.

杀死口水监督员在业亏损不再结果。Killing the slaver overseer no longer results in karma loss.

一点也不难,老大,这些奴隶贩子的破烂我闭着眼睛也能弄开。So little faith , boss, I could disarm this slaver junk with my eyes closed.

亚娜及其配偶被奴隶贩子劫持后,她的生活发生了可怕的变化。Yarna's life took a terrible turn when she and her mate were captured in a slaver raid.

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和得了艾滋病的人握手,接吻、共用餐具、渴下对方的唾液、会感染艾滋吗?Will I get infected if I shake hand with an AIDS patient, kiss them, share dishware with them or drink their slaver?

他自己的父亲在他三岁时把他卖给了奴隶贩子,但当他长大后成为一个有名的戏子后,他让赎身自由了。His own father sold him to a slaver when he was three, but he grew up to be such a famous mummer that he bought his freedom.

他虚弱地蹒跚着,血从鼻子、嘴和耳朵晨流出来,那身漂亮的皮毛被喷溅上斑斑血迹。He staggered limply about, the blood flowing from nose and mouth and ears, his beautiful coat sprayed and flecked with bloody slaver.

所以即使有了名马也只能在马夫手里受屈辱,跟普通的马一起死在马厩里,不把它称为千里马。Even though there is a winged horse, it will only be insulted by the slaver and die with the common horse, and has no the title of talent.

这个女孩让奴隶城市浸满了鲜血也不愿将里面陌生人留给枷锁,她不太可能抛弃她自己哥哥身处险境中的儿子。The girl who drowned the slaver cities in blood rather than leave strangers to their chains can scarcely abandon her own brother's son in his hour of peril.

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在铝塑复合管自动化生产线的应用中,主站PCC2005与从站PCC2003之间通过现场总线CAN通信。The master station PCC2005and slaver stations PCC2003communicate via CANBUS on the application ofthe automatic production line of aluminum-plastic composite pipes.

列读出级采用新型主从两级放大列读出结构,其中主放大器完成电荷到电压的转换,从放大器驱动输出总线来满足一定的读出速度。In the design of column readout stage, master and slaver structure has been adapted, where master amplifier converts charge to voltage, and slave amplifier works with standby mode to drive output bus.