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你可以在计价器上看到公里数。You can read the kilometer on the meter.

加拿大的面积有多少平方公里?What’s the area of Canada in square kilometer?

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一公里等于八分之五英里。One kilometer is equal to five eighths of a mile.

你能从一千立方米海水中得到这么多。You get that out of 1 cubic kilometer of seawater.

公里是米制中最大的长度单位。The kilometer is the biggest unit length in the metric system.

公里是米制中最大的长度单位。The kilometer is the hardest unit length in the metric system.

我们中有三人往回走了一公里发现了孙尧。Three of us walked back about one kilometer and found Sun Yao.

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千米是国际公制中最长的长度单元。The kilometer is the biggest unit of length in the metric system.

一千立方米的海水,想象一下一个体积为一千立方米的盒子。A cubic kilometer of seawater, go into the ocean and imagine a box.

这是一个地形模型大约是0.7公里宽1公里高。That's a terrain model 0.7 kilometer wide by almost 1 kilometer tall.

目前台风中心正以每小时10公里的速度向北偏西方向移动。At present center by each hour 10 kilometer speeds to N by W traverse.

东风-15C据称具有600公里的射程和末端制导能力。The DF-15C is reported to have a 600 kilometer range and terminal homing.

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据他的朋友们说,他能在短短的4分半钟内跑完一公里。His friends say he can run a kilometer in just over four and a half minutes.

总之,这个被称为冰立方观测站的机构,跨过一立方千米的冰块。Altogether, the instrument, known as IceCube, spans a cubic kilometer of ice.

当天的强风天气使得这42千米的长跑过程更加艰难。Strong winds made running difficult during the forty-two kilometer long race.

ONS预计,到2031年,英国的人口密度将达到每平方公里464人。By 2031, the ONS forecasts, England will have 464 people per square kilometer.

每几个小时,超过一千米高的大规模潮汐就发生一次。Massive tides, over a kilometer in height, would ebb and flow every few hours.

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曼哈顿岛每平方公里几乎有2万6千人。The island of Manhattan has almost 26,000 people per square kilometer of land.

长江是亚洲第一和世界第三大河流,全长6380公里。Yangtze River is Asia first and the world third big rivers, span 6380 kilometer.

在一些地方,土地不到一公里宽,两边的水。In some places, the land is less than a kilometer wide, with water on both sides.