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他们通常不佩带手枪。They donot normally carry firearms.

火器进口是被禁止的。The import of firearms is forbidden.

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火器使得老式装甲被废弃。Firearms rendered oldsuits of armor obsolete.

他因涉嫌抢劫和涉枪犯罪而遭通缉。He is wanted for robbery and firearms offences.

有膛线的武器最早可以追溯到15世纪。Rifled firearms date at least to the 15th century.

他们过去经常偷运枪支到邻近国家。They used to run firearms into neighbouring countries.

那么,土耳其苏丹禁卫军早期通常都用什么武器?What early firearms were commonly used by the Janissaries?

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警察收缴了他们的非法枪支。The police has disfurnished them of their illegal firearms.

因为这个原因,在欧洲火器很快淘汰取代了弓箭。For that reason, firearms quickly eclipsed the bow in Europe.

全世界大约有五亿五千万枪。There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulution.

即使是现在,越来越多的致命火器仍正在开发中。Evennow, increasingly deadlier firearms are under development.

研究火器及子弹运动的科学。The science of firearms and the study of the motion of bullets.

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这些枪支往往有着华丽雕刻并镶嵌有黄金。These firearms were often lavishly engraved and inlaid with gold.

如申请人已拥有个人枪械,请另页填写详情。Please write the details of personal firearms in a separate paper.

园主最近刚刚获释,他因枪支犯罪而被捕。He'd recently been released after being jailed for firearms offences.

巴拿马城,非法枪支在销毁之前被摆在地上。Illegal firearms are displayed before being destroyed in Panama City.

在1990年,使用火器自杀是男孩女孩最寻常的自杀方式。In 1990, firearms were the most common method for both girls and boys.

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文章介绍了QPQ技术在枪械上的应用。This article introduces QPQ technology in the applications of firearms.

里面有一打卡巴拉的火器,和勒荣自己的小口径火器没有什么不同。Inside were a dozen Karbarran firearms not unlike Lron's own small-bore.

据报道,警方使用枪械袭击熟睡中的示威人群。According to reports, police used firearms against sleeping demonstrators.