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现在摩棱斯克空难改变了很多。Now the Smolensk air disaster changed a lot of that.

一辆载着遇难者尸体的卡车通过斯摩林斯克机场附近的门。A truck carrying coffins passed through gates near the Smolensk airport.

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据报道,事故发生在距斯摩棱斯克机场1.5公里处,当时是大雾天气。The crash occurred about 1.5 km from the Smolensk airport in foggy conditions.

俄罗斯总理普京已经前往斯摩棱斯克事故现场。The Prime Minister Vladmir Putin has traveled to the scene of the crash in Smolensk.

俄罗斯警察从斯摩林斯克附近的飞机坠毁地点的一些飞机残骸旁经过。Russian police officers walked near some of the wreckage at the plane crash site near Smolensk.

俄国军队和平民为避免其冲击而撤退至斯摩棱斯克,再由斯摩棱斯克撤至波罗底诺。The Russian army and population fall back, avoiding a battle, to Smolensk, and from Smolensk to Borodino.

斯摩棱斯克核电站不仅是在西北的俄罗斯最大的发电厂,也是一个伟大的鱼场!Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant is not only the largest power plant in the North-West of Russia it is also a great fish-farm!

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他将于周六的晚些时候在斯摩棱斯克于从华沙飞来的波兰总理唐纳德-图斯克会面。He was due in Smolensk later Saturday, where he would meet Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who was flying in from Warsaw.

八月他在斯摩棱斯克一心只想如何推进,可是我们现在却看出,这种继续推进对他来说显然是自取灭亡的。In August he was in Smolensk and thinking of nothing but advancing further, though, as we see now, that advance meant inevitable ruin.

波俄官员称,飞机在靠近斯摩棱斯克机场时遇到浓雾,撞树后,无人生还。Polish and Russian officials said no-one survived after the plane apparently hit trees as it approached Smolensk airport in thick fog.

也就是说,波兰向莫斯科提出了一条新的国界线,完全循着17世纪的旧貌,从斯摩棱斯克到基辅到维捷布斯克直到大卢基。In other words, Warsaw offered Moscow a new border from Smolensk to Kiev to Vitebsk to Velikie Luki, the way it was in the XVII century.

斯克空难的遇难者,波兰总统莱赫·卡钦斯基的遗体陈放于首都华沙供公众前来吊唁。The body of Polish President Lech Kaczynski is to lie in state in the capital Warsaw as the nation mourns the victims of the Smolensk air crash.

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俄罗斯的初期目标是占领斯莫棱斯克,赫尔辛基这样的叛乱城市。The initial target for the Russian kingdom should be expansion through the occupation of nearby rebel settlements such as Smolensk and Helsinki.

“帝国”师和第10装甲师现在遭到了苏军的一系列猛烈的反击,他们试图解救被围在斯摩棱斯克的同志。Das Reich and 10th Panzer were now assaulted by a series of Soviet counterattacks aimed at keeping open a corridor to their comrades in Smolensk.

1943年9月,苏军收复斯摩棱斯克地区,组织反调查,一口咬定屠杀系德国侵略者所为。On September in 1943, the Soviet Union recaptured Smolensk and investigated the incidents again. They insisted that German invaders were responsible.

两名俄罗斯警察看一架直升机从波兰政府图波列夫图-154飞机的机场附近坠毁斯摩棱斯克2010年4月10日机构。Two Russian policemen watch a helicopter carrying bodies from a Polish government Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft crash near Smolensk airport on April 10, 2010.

在途中,阿尔帕特奇遇到并越过了辎重车和军队。他快到斯摩棱斯克时,听到了远处的枪声,但枪声并没有使他吃惊。All the way Alpatitch had met and overtaken waggons and troops, and as he drove into Smolensk he heard firing in the distance, but he scarcely heeded the sound.

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如果拿破仑在到达塔鲁丁诺的时候,立即只用他进攻斯摩棱斯克的十分之一的兵力进攻俄国军队,那将会怎样呢?What would have happened if later on Napoleon, on reaching Tarutino, had attacked the Russians with one-tenth of the energy with which he had attacked them at Smolensk?

斯摩棱斯克机场是列为“一级机场”的一个军用机场,可以处理所有类型的飞机,尽管有矛盾的报告关于是否有一个ILS系统。Smolensk airport is a military airport classified as a "ClassOne Aiport" that can handle all types of planes, though there are conflicting reports about whether it had an ILS system.

罗伯兹教授的同事、迈克尔•斯摩伦斯克教授说,一项针对马萨诸塞四所公立中学3100多名学生开展的睡眠研究得出的结果很有启发。A sleep study involving more than 3,100 students at four Massachusetts public high schools produced some eye-opening results, according to Roberts' colleague, Professor Michael Smolensk.