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漆膜饱满、坚硬,高光泽,施工方便。The film is satiation , hard, gloss. The application is convenience.

然而,一旦到了这个时候,也是男人逐渐厌腻的时候。However, once this time, but also a time when a man gradually satiation.

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饱食暖衣,逸居而无教,则近于禽兽。Satiation warm clothing, Yat home without religion, while near an animal.

细嚼慢咽能让你注意到身体所发出的饱感信号。Eating slowly will help ensure that you can hear your body’s satiation signals.

他的拒绝完全是一种胃里撑饱了的生理反应。His refusal was purely physical , a gesture coming from the satiation in his stomach.

令手部皮肤饱满度增加,纹理变浅。So the satiation of the hand skin is increased and the texture on hands becomes shallow.

生理饱胀感的反馈或饱食信号的发出都需要一定的时间。The physiological feedback of feeling full or the satiation signal comes with a time lag.

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斜率永远是正的,但是也有可能,你拿的钱够多,效用将不再上升It's always upward sloping, but it may, after awhile, you get close to satiation where you've got enough.

微细晶体结构特性和高折光率,使色彩更显丰富饱满。Because of its ultra-fine crystal structure and high refractive index, it make color more abundance and satiation.

虽然男子并不被女子抚摸,无法达到高潮,可他们说自己有了一种力量和满足感的体验。Although men are not touched by the women and do not climax they say they experience a sense of energy and satiation.

梁平年画是首批国家级非物质文化遗产,构图饱满,色彩富丽。Liangping annual painting is the first national non-material cultural heritage with satiation structure and abundant colors.

同时,根据他们的经济情况以及其他的实际情况来做决定也是很有必要的。Meanwhile, it is also necessary for them to make their choices in accordance with their financial conditions and other actual satiation.

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提出用充实指数计量旱地春油菜品种籽粒的充实能力和用饱满指数度量源库的平衡程度。The filling index and the satiation index are proposed to measure the kernel fil ling ability of dryland spring rape and to evaluate the balance deg.

随着吉林省区域经济不断发展、产业集群规模的不断扩大,势必需要大量的人力资本的投入来保证区域经济又好又快的发展。With the rapid development of regional economy and the enlarging scale of industries, a number of Human Capital is needed to continue this satiation.

科学家们希望该药物可提高激素的能力,引起饱足感觉从而告诉大多数健康的人什么时候该放下刀叉了。Scientists hope the drugs may enhance the hormone's ability to trigger feelings of satiation that tell most healthy people when to put down their forks.

通常腺毛密度大、发育状况好及腺毛分泌物多的烟叶香气浓郁、纯厚、饱满。Usually, trichome density is big, the growth condition is good and the trichome secretion quantity is big that leaf fragrance is full-bodied and satiation.

分析对比了1997年至2004年全国和重庆以及重庆主城区的火灾情况,讨论了西部开发对重庆消防形势的影响。Fire satiation of major districts in Chongqing is discussed, based on data form 1997 to 2004. Exploration of West effecting on fire situation of Chongqing is discussed.

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此文对反向工程的概念和特点进行了阐述,对它在工业领域的研究现状及其有关应用进行了论述,并提出了今后的研究方向和难点内容。In this paper, the concept and characters of reverse engineering are presented. Its research satiation . applications in industry fields and research direction are also discussed.

他们还驳斥了“幸福指数”的概念,这一概念指的是在经济增长达到了一个临界点之后,国家经济的进一步增长不会带来国民幸福程度的增长。They also refute the concept of a " satiation point" or the belief that, beyond a certain income threshold, further increases in national wealth cease to increase national happiness.

这样子煮出来大概是两盘的份量,对我来说还是多了一点,我吃了一盘半就挂在那里,还得祭出消化酒才能稍微去除一下饱涨感。The quantity I put here is about two dishes and it's actually too much for me. I had one and a half, and the rest was left in the dish. I even had to take some digestive to kill the satiation.