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驱逐舰划开了水面。The destroyer sliced through the water.

时间既是破坏者又是启示者。Time is both a destroyer and a revealer.

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日军声称击沉了1艘巡洋舰和1艘驱逐舰。The Japs claimed a cruiser and a destroyer.

956型驱逐舰发射诱骗箔条。Project 956 destroyer launching decoy chaffs.

这艘商船由一驱逐舰护航。他的职业是经商。This merchant ship was convoyed By a destroyer.

这艘商船由一驱逐舰护航。This merchant ship was convoyed by a destroyer.

这只商船由一艘驱逐舰护航。This merchant ship was convoyed by a destroyer.

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我们昨晚十点驶近一艘驱逐舰。We closed a destroyer at 10 o'clock last night.

盟军M10坦克歼击车转弯半径增加。Allied M10 Tank Destroyer turn radius increased.

另外还有一艘驱逐舰将到镇海港访问。Another destroyer will visit the port of Chinhae.

信仰是我们的掘墓人,带来灭顶之灾。Faith is our destroyer. Faith has brought us doom.

美国海军出动了一艘制导导弹驱逐舰。The U.S. Navy has sent a guided missile destroyer.

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“武汉”号,是一艘有多用途的导弹的驱逐舰。Wuhan, is the multi-purpose missile destroyer too.

这艘运载货物的船由一摈除舰护航。Thellos merchant shellop was convoyed by a destroyer.

皇家驱逐舰雇佣了很多忠心的雇员.The royal destroyer employs lots of loyal employees.

皇家斥逐舰雇佣了很多忠心的雇员。The roying destroyer employs lots of loying employees.

皇傢敺逐舰雇佣了很多忠心的雇员。The imperial destroyer employs lots of obedient employees.

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澳大利亚巡洋舰堪培拉号在沉没,远方是萨伏岛。Canberra with destroyer alongside, Savo Island in background.

UNSC舰队的MAC炮弹冲击着圣约人的驱逐舰。The UNSC fleet MAC rounds impacted on the Covenant destroyer.

这些驱逐舰指挥官大多数是合格的海军飞行员。Most of these destroyer commanders are qualified naval pilots.