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他那像软体动物一样的智商,在他那大脸上开了花。It blew up in his face, as he is about as talented as a mollusc.

指寄生虫对软体动物造成的损伤的器官、组织等。The impaired organ, tissue, etc. Of mollusc host caused by parasitism.

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指对医学软体动物卵的描述,包括卵的形状、大小、颜色、卵壳及其他特征。Description of the medical mollusc egg, including egg shape, size, colour, egg shell.

他们在船尾生火启灶,或炙烤海贝,或煮炖海鲜。They build small fires in the sterns, grilling crustaceans and boiling thin mollusc stews.

但是它却不像一般软体动物的分泌物一样直接凝结成壳。It does not, however, secrete this shell directly in the way that, for example, a mollusc would.

对于软体动物来说,当他们离开曾经蜗居的表皮之后,这种清洗和拂拭是非常必要的。A wash and brush-up is not superfluous when one leaves the tub in which the Mollusc has been treated.

群体遗传学和分子系统学是遗传学研究的重要内容。Population genetics and molecular phylogeny are the important contents for research of mollusc genetics.

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因为沙滩部分由珊瑚碎屑以及软体动物贝壳组成,所以百慕大的沙滩拥有着独一无二的玫瑰色。The sandy shores have a unique rose tinge to them as they are partly made up of pulverised corals and mollusc shells.

但是这个海绵正在移动,实际上它是马尔代夫的一种海绵蜗牛——一种靠模仿海绵生存下来的软体动物。But this sponge was moving, and it was in fact a Maldivian sponge-snail – a mollusc that survives by mimicking a sponge.

为了让虚荣的人类在耳朵上戴上光彩夺目的珍珠,就去对一只软体动物做性侵犯,实在是一件无聊而残忍的事情。It seems a trifle cruel to be sexually molesting a mollusc to allow a vain human to have something shiny to dangle from their ears.

在12个乡级以上海岛水域,福建中南部岛屿水域软体动物物种数较多,北部相对较少。In the 12 waters of islands, the species of mollusc located more around south-central islands than that around the northern islands.

各种配料,酱料可以加在这凝胶状的物体上面,最重要的是在它们死去之前吃了它们。Various sauces or juices can be added to the gelatinous mass, but the idea is to get that mollusc into your stomach before it’s legally dead.

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这种珠核物化性质与现有贝、蚌壳珠核相近,具有颜色白、光泽强、外形圆和价格低廉等特点。Beside having similar properties to mollusc shell nuclei, the new pearl nuclei possess some advantages such as white color, strong luster, round shape and cheap cost.

在早期的比赛中,Paul成功的预测了小组赛当中德国取胜加纳和澳大利亚,以及对阵塞尔维亚的失利。Earlier in the tournament, the mollusc medium correctly predicted Germany would beat Ghana and Australia in their group D matches and was also right to predict they would lose to Serbia.

系统地研究了温室发生的花木害虫的种类及其为害情况,研究了严重发生的软体动物蛞蝓的习性和为害特性,结合温室花木生产经营活动的特点,制定并实施了切实可行的综合治理措施。This paper made a systematic study of varieties and conditions of insect pest to flowers and trees in greenhouse, and habits and infection characteristics of mollusc slug with serious outbreak.