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最后农夫漫不经心的说,“好了,班尼,你也拉一下吧。”Then the farmer nonchalantly said, "Okay, Benny, pull."

昨天大儿子上车时就这样问我。So says my oldest nonchalantly as he go in the car yesterday.

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她抬起头,若无其事的摊开手掌,掌心向上。She raised her head and nonchalantly extended her hand, the palm up.

“这是奔驰,从我的爸爸那里弄来的。你喜欢吗?”他问的格外冷淡。"It's a Mercedes, from Papa. Do you like it?" he added nonchalantly.

然后他要我因为淡定地在红灯下等待而缴罚款。He then asked me to pay the penalty for waiting so nonchalantly at a red light.

我的祖父漠然地袭击钉成员额和洪各种事情上。My grandfather nonchalantly pounded nails into posts and hung various things on them.

正在另一台电脑上勤奋工作的托默有些冷漠的看了我们一眼。Htoo Moo, working diligently at the next computer, glanced over as nonchalantly as possible.

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今天我真空穿了一条蕾丝睡裙,满不在乎的的走进客厅。Today, I put on a lacy dress with nothing underneath and walked nonchalantly into the living room.

我吓坏了,赶紧把烟扔到马桶里冲走,强装镇定,若无其事的走出去。I freaked out, flushed my cigarette down the toilet, gathered my composure, and nonchalantly walked out.

任达华饰演的凯骑着脚踏车漫不经心地在城市转悠着,并用禄来福来反光照相机给城市拍照。Yam's Kei pedals nonchalantly around town on his bicycle, and takes snapshots of the city with his Rolleiflex.

费迪南德漫不经心地给它一个可喜舔,而斗牛士最终承认在淋浴的眼泪失败。Ferdinand nonchalantly gives it a pleasing lick, and the bullfighter final concedes defeat in a shower of tears.

每隔几分钟,一只山羊停止咀嚼,环顾四周,然后若无其事地继续吃草,似乎什么事情也没发生。Every few minutes, one stops chewing, looks around, and then nonchalantly continues eating as if nothing has happened.

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他们漫不经意的跳入水潭,飞快地游到对岸,爬上那两块大石头,尽情的享受日光。They nonchalantly dived in, swam swiftly across the pool and pulled themselves up on the big rocks to luxuriate the sun.

他只是握着玛格丽特漫不经心地向他伸过去的手吻了吻,向我们行了个礼就走了。He simply kissed the hand which Marguerite rather nonchalantly held out to him and, after taking his leave of us, went out.

“咱们以后不再在这儿干这种事情,可是要记着,你是我的人了,”他一面说一面不动声色的走过穿堂。"We won't do any more of this here, but, remember, you belong to me, " he said, as he turned and walked nonchalantly down the hall.

这只狗甚至可以和其他狗那样懒洋洋地趴在舒适的沙发后面,假装对它塑胶狗骨头兴致盎然。This dog would make even a dog like that slink nonchalantly be?hind the sofa and pretend to be extremely preoccupied with its rubber bone.

在重新夺回来的地方,“猛狮”战斗营的战士们吃着午饭,炮弹仍落在他们的周围,他们对此根本无动于衷,倒是在谈论着那天早上的战斗。As the battalion nonchalantly lunched in the newly captured area, shells still falling around them, they spoke of that morning's operation.

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9月23号清早,彻夜未阖眼的艾瑞克故作镇定地问珍妮,“想玩填字游戏不?”On the morning of September 23, having not slept the entire night before, Aric nonchalantly asked Jennie, "Want to do the crossword puzzle?"

农夫冷冷地靠在门框后,把农场打量了一遍。“是那只身上有两个大黑斑的母牛吗?”农夫慢悠悠问道。The farmer nonchalantly learned out beyond the doorframe to glance down the field. "The cow with big black spots on it?" the farmer asked slowly.

无论是出太阳还是下雨,人们手里总是拿着图案鲜亮的雨伞。Scooters are the transport of choice for the well-off, a brightly patterned umbrella nonchalantly held in one hand when the sun is hot or the rain is falling.