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但是如今,未被许可的产品补修匠比以往都要有更多的权利。But today, unsanctioned tinkerers have more power than ever.

朝鲜正在采取同样的方法其未经批准的市场。North Korea is taking the same approach to its unsanctioned markets.

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它发现,许多员工的办公桌下面摆着未经批准的服务器。It found that many of its workers had unsanctioned servers under their desks.

每年大约有10,000个中国人送去了未经批准的“黑监狱”。Nearly 10, 000 Chinese citizens each year are sucked into unsanctioned 'black jails'.

这些学员是一组未经批准的、指导那些有不光采行为学员的学员干部。These cadets were an unsanctioned group who policed the Corps of Cadets who committed dishonorable acts.

他的朋友和邻居说在他23年的未经许可的服务中,他几乎没得到过多少赞赏。His friends and neighbors say that in his 23 years of unsanctioned service, he has never been more appreciated.

威龙工厂有极其严格的安全体系,可切实防止未经允可的产品流入市场。Dragon employs an extremely secure system in our factories to ensure that no unsanctioned products leak out into the market.

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中国“稳定压倒一切”的政府禁止没有批准的宗教集会,经常拘捕牧师和神学院学生。China's stability-obsessed government frowns on unsanctioned religious gatherings and regularly detains priests and seminarians.

反对派举行集会的企图很少被当局批准和,未经批准的集会迅速被警方破坏。Opposition groups' attempts to hold rallies are rarely approved by authorities and unsanctioned gatherings are quickly broken up by police.

他还补充说,如果反对党坚持进行没有被许可的示威游行或者抗议,“他们将不会有好果子吃。”He added gravely that if the opposition insists on holding unsanctioned protests and marches, "They will get it on the head with a truncheon.