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因此正统基督教绝对是相信两元论的。So orthodoxy is definitively dualist.

斑瑞尔一直忠实格守古老的正统观念。Berel had remained true to the old orthodoxy.

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没有自许为正统的理论可以长时间的不受挑战。No would-be orthodoxy goes unchallenged for long.

这是改革宗正统所绝不允许的事。This is something Reformed orthodoxy never allowed.

那时还没有所谓的正统和异端。There wasn't anything called orthodoxy yet and heresy yet.

现在人们普遍认为,工会的电影演员能够得到剩余工资。It is now accepted orthodoxy that union film actors get residuals.

而这种广泛的认可反过来又可以促使其正统性的形成。And this kind of recognition, conversely, may improve its orthodoxy.

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通过这种残酷的法律异端是无可指责的和正统禁止。By this cruel law heresy is to be blameless and orthodoxy forbidden.

而教会也尽最大的努力击败对正统教义的挑战者。And the church has done its best to vanquish challengers to orthodoxy.

黄宗羲的正统论受到欧阳修的影响。Huang Zongxi's orthodoxy was formed under the influence of Ouyang Xiu.

在很早的时候我就认识到这里有一种文学正统。It became clear to me early on that there was an orthodoxy afoot here.

第一是因为这些措施有利于跨国银行的健康发展。The first is that they foreshadow an emerging international orthodoxy.

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相反,中国主席涛胡锦的讲话则坚持党的正统。Instead, the Chinese president Hu Jintao's speech stuck to party orthodoxy.

工党当下的前景看上去是社会民主正统观念之一。The party's immediate future looks to be one of social-democratic orthodoxy.

如果你简化你的英语,你就不会有正统说教的最蠢笨的做法。If you simplify your English, you are freed from the worst follies of orthodoxy.

每个事实都有地质层次,没有异端也就无所谓正统。Every truth has geological strata, and you can’t have an orthodoxy without a heresy.

难道他们从来都没有经历过一种在正统的性魔术圈之外的冲动吗?Never experienced an impulse that fell outside the magic circle of sexual orthodoxy?

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德国的正统论使它在欧洲内部和欧洲央行管理委员会当中遭到孤立。Germany's orthodoxy has isolated it within Europe and on the ECB's governing council.

当正统信仰受尊重程度超过了道德时,我想宗教本身也在蒙难。I think vital religion has always suffered when orthodoxy is more regarded than virtue.

在伦敦的一次演讲中,奥登特医生对这种时兴的观念提出针锋相对的看法。In a lecture delivered in London, Dr Odent turned the progressive orthodoxy on its head.