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单倍体圆形精子细胞增多。The number of round haploid spermatids was increased.

每种配对都产生出所有可能单倍体子代。Each mating has generated all possible types of haploid progeny.

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喂的这种模式做有势力的单倍体阶段和一个二倍体受精卵。This mode of feeding makes dominant haploid phase and a diploid zygote.

是位于种子植物花粉管中的一个单倍体细胞。Generative cell One of the haploid cells in the POLLEN TUBE of seed plants.

可以发生减数分裂产生四个单倍体孢子的细胞。Spore mother cell A cell that gives rise to four haploid spores by meiosis.

花药壁按特有方式发生,主要特点是绒毡层与次生造孢细胞同源。The haploid pollen cells develop in the tapetal zone from spore mother cells.

带染色单倍体组中期分裂相约有24条深带。G—banding by ASG technique presented 24 bands in haploid set of full metaphase.

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核子分裂为多个含有相同数量染色体的一种细胞分裂。The haploid nucleus of a sperm or egg before fusion of the nuclei in fertilization.

减数分裂由两次产生单倍体生殖细胞的核分裂组成。Meiosis comprises a pair of specialized nuclear divisions that produce haploid germ cells.

具有三个单倍染色体组的细胞、组织或有机体。Tripoid A cell, tissue or organism containing three times the haploid number of chromosomes.

这些担子孢子为单倍体,由内部的担子减数分裂而产生。These are the haploid sexual spores that were produced following meiosis inside the basidium.

因此,玉米单倍体育种无论在实践中还是在理论研究方面都具有重大的意义。So, haploid breeding of maize has great significance either in practice, or in basic research.

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SSR结果证实了化学诱导得到的后代,确系孤雌生殖产生,且是加倍单倍体。The SSR results verified the posterities induced were from parthenogenesis and doubled haploid.

每一组由11个中部着丝点染色体和1个亚中部着丝点染色体组成。The haploid complement consisted of 11 metacentric chromosomes and 1 submetacentric chromosome.

游离小孢子培养是产生单倍体的较好途径。Microspore culture is an effcient method to produce haploid plant, which ho been vigorously studied.

双单倍体诱导纯合四倍体的加倍试验获到了较理想的结果。Tetraploid induction from double haploid was also studied, and a desirable result has been obtained.

单倍体和常染色体显示欧亚大陆的乌拉尔语言为母语的人是连续的。Haploid and autosomal variation within a linguistic continuum of the Uralic-speaking people of Eurasia.

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在所有的高等植物和一些藻类会出现有性的单倍体阶段和无性的二倍体阶段交替的现象。In all plants and some algae there is an alternation between sexual haploid and asexual diploid stages.

在萌发期,接合孢子经历减数分裂形成单倍体细胞再产生新的植物体。On germination, the zygospore undergoes meiosis to produce haploid cells that give rise to a new thallus.

根据目前马铃薯育种方向,获得马铃薯双单倍体是马铃薯育种成功的关键。According to the present direction, the key to the success for Potato breeding is to obtain double haploid.