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用爱改变这个世界的冷漠!Use love to change the inhospitality of this world.

对于他的冷漠,我会悲伤,这是什么感觉?To his inhospitality , my meeting sadness, what feeling is this?

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冷漠和孤傲算不算是宝贵的情感?Do inhospitality and aloof and proud calculate be precious affection?

至已有点喜欢玉芙蓉的这种冷漠。Go to have already a little morsel liked jade lotus of this inhospitality.

人们对法国人待客冷淡的感觉多是基于在巴黎的经历。Impressions about this inhospitality in France are based on stays in Paris.

网络作家对申请入作协反响冷漠,为何?Network writer is made to applying for assist resonant inhospitality , why?

整个2008年,VC对网页游戏的态度可用冷漠来形容。Whole 2008, VC can use inhospitality to describe to the manner of webpage game.

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模样并不像她中年时期的油画上那样冷漠。Shape join Be alter from her oil painting of medium old period up so inhospitality.

所有天的遥远,地的沉默,海的辽阔,山的冷漠。All day of faraway, ground of silent, sea of broad, the inhospitality of the mountain.

在现实的磨砺中,心却渐渐的粗糙冷漠。In the reality of the furnace, the heart will be coarseness and inhospitality gradually.

他们愤怒,有时对人凶暴,要不变得很冷漠和无情。They cut up rough , sometimes to person brutal, want to be constant very inhospitality with heartless.

敖云低咳着,面颊边染上病态的红晕,冷漠生硬。Ao cloud coughs low, the cheek side infects by abnormal state of red and dizzy, the inhospitality isn't smooth.

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这种情况下,夫妻只会日益隔膜、冷漠乃至冲突。Below this kind of circumstance, husband and wife is met only increasingly diaphragmatic , inhospitality and even conflict.

“我不相信冷漠,”他说,“青年人渴望变化,所以我们给了他们能让变化实现的工具。”"I do not believe inhospitality , " he says, "Young yearns for change, so we gave them to be able to let the tool that change realizes.

即使性生活顺利,单纯献身的妻子也难于体验到其乐趣和价值,反而会产生冷漠和疏远。Although sexual life is great, pure dedicated wife also is hard to learn its fun and value, can produce inhospitality and alienation instead.

与会人员的脸个个像钢板一样冷漠,表情人人如蜡像一般凝重。Attend meeting the personnel's face to be like the steel plate similar inhospitality , facial expression everyone such as wax general dignified.

这极易导致青少年的生命情感冷漠、人生观迷惘、意识保守和缺乏自知。While "I" cannot ask for rights but carry out obligations, which lead to an inhospitality of affection and life and a lack of self-control, etc.

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风险资本从热逐网站到冷漠视之,确有点六月阵雨的味道,来得急,去得也快。Venture capital chases a website to be inspected to inhospitality from heat, have bit of showery in June taste truly, come urgently, go quickly also.

当双方遇到矛盾时,摒弃抱怨、暴力、冷漠,尽量心平气和地坐下来表述自己的感受,协商解决问题。When the couple meets with contracts, they can abandon complain, violence and inhospitality and express their feelings in a calm way, then find ways to solve it.

政策资讯关注、政策制定参谋、政策听证和政策冷漠等行为是公众在政府决策过程中参与的具体形态。Policy information attention being policy-making brainman policy hearing policy inhospitality and etc. all these behavior are the modality of the public's policy-participation.