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或许是个祖父母,抑或是一个婶婶这样说?Perhaps a grandparent or an aunt?

没有祖父母会为我自豪地站起来。I had no grandparent to stand proudly for me.

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我的意思是,我和我的表姐是同一个祖母。I mean, my cousin and I both share a grandparent.

传统的老年祖父母在这里已经过时并脱离现实。The traditional image of an old grandparent is out-of-date and out-of-touch.

甚至,有些家庭仅能依靠祖父母的养老金维持生计。In some cases, entire families are surviving on the pension of a grandparent.

一个家庭只有一个孩子,而祖父母只有一个孙子。Every parent has only one child and every grandparent has only one grand-child.

佩尔顿女士说,所谓距离产生美感,只让祖父母陪伴孩子玩耍,能让我们自在很多。Reserving the kids' grandparent time for fun affords a more comfortable distance, Ms. Pelton says.

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也许会类似于孩子和叔叔阿姨之间的关系,甚至像孩子和祖父母之间的关系。It probably would be akin to that of a child and an aunt or uncle, or even a child and a grandparent.

一位祖父说,奶粉丑闻的罪魁是奶制品企业与地方官员的腐败勾结。One grandparent blames the scandal on corrupt collusion between dairy businesses and local officials.

老汉精心照料着宝葫芦们,与他们建立了胜似祖孙的感情。Old man intensive care valuable bottle gourds, established with them has surpassed grandparent and grandchild's sentiment.

这是我们从小就养成的一种习惯,从小,父母或祖父母就是这样用手指点着书上的文字教我们念书的。It's built into our heads from the time we're babies and a parent or grandparent reads a book while pointing out the words.

在签字仪式上,中国驻美大使夫人陈望夏以一个满怀期望的祖辈的形象发表了演说。During the signing ceremony, Chen Wangxia, wife of the Chinese ambassador to the United States, spoke like an aspiring grandparent.

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身边有祖父母照顾的小孩不仅会拥有更健康的身体,还可获得巨大的情感支持。Children don’t just benefit from better physical health if a grandparent is around – the emotional support can also be of huge value.

当我看见您和您的外孙在一起的时候,我知道您都已经给了他们最好的礼物,您把心都掏给他们了。When I see you with all your grandchildren, I know you’ve given them the finest gift a grandparent can give. You’ve given them yourself.

传授知识的人可以是德高望重的老者,也可以是收音机里进行政治辩论的人们,可以是小孩子,也可以是著名的科学家。The agents of education can range from a revered grandparent to the people debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist.

不幸的家庭同样是一个人屈从于母亲、父亲、岳母、岳父、阿姨、叔叔、孩子或祖父母的结果。Unhappy family experiences are likewise the result of subjugating oneself to one's mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, aunt, uncle, child or grandparent.

这看来够清楚了吧,但当非白人祖先是祖辈或曾祖辈,少数种族血统越来越稀释时,情况又变得微妙起来。That seemed clear enough, but things got tricky when the nonwhite ancestor was a grandparent or a great-grandparent and the minority blood became increasingly diluted.

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中国式的家庭结构比较复杂,传统的幸福家庭是四代同堂。The family structure of the Chinese type is more complicated, the traditional of happy family is all family lives together including grandparent and great-grandparent.

也许你的爷爷奶奶正迫不及待地想听你的历险,也许一个老友过了糟糕的一天,也许你的妈妈希望你多给她打个电话。Maybe ea grandparent is chomping at the bit to hear about your adventures, or maybe an old friend had a really bad day, maybe your mom wishes you'd ring her up more often.

萨米人在芬兰、挪威和瑞典都有自己的政府和国会,只要身为萨米人,且至少有一位祖父母会说萨米语便有投票权。The Sami people also have their own governments and parliaments in Finland, Norway and Sweden. Anybody who is Sami, and has at least a grandparent that can speak Sami, can vote.