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绿色食品绿色食品是最佳食物吗?Are organically grown foods the best food choices?

大量有机结合碳沉积在内陆湖泊底部。Much organically bound carbon is deposited on inland lake bottoms.

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渔场从何年开始按有机方式养殖?When did the aquatic fishing ground begin cultivating organically ?

大型生物有机蔬菜的饮食由谷物和蔬菜。A macrobiotic diet consists of organically grown grains and vegetables.

然而,在孟子的诠释思想中,以上两种诠释方法却是有机统一的。But both of the methods in the annotation of Mencius are united organically.

为什么就不能老老实实做到“信誉卓著”和“严肃认真”,然后等待口碑的机传播呢?Why not just be reputable and serious and let your business spread organically?

有机提出动物有全民教育在牛奶中的显着更高的水平。Organically raised animals have a significantly higher level of EFA's in their milk.

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芦荟提取到有机种植的优质高档楝树是唯一没有水。Organically grown premium grade Neem is uniquely extracted into Aloe Vera without water.

旅程天下的董事长和CEO蒋建萍女士说,“我们第二季度的增长主要由内部增长和最近完成的收购所带动。Our second quarter sales grew both organically and via our recently closed acquisitions.

使用买到的和找来的元器件,这台机器的设计按部就班的进行着。Using store-bought and found components, the design for the machine evolved organically.

由于有机耕作困难且耗时,因为有机农作物价钱较昂贵。Since organic farming is time-consuming, organically grown produce tends to be expensive.

有机饲养牛的数量大幅度上升,高于去年的350,000头。The number of cattle reared organically has risen steadily, to more than 350, 000 last year.

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绝大多数的咖啡采用湿洗法,目前很少采用有机种植。The majority of the coffee is wet-processed, and at this point, very little is organically grown.

我最爱的是用旧轮胎或是废旧的自行车轮以及有机生长的大麻纤维制成的人字拖。My favourite are flip-flops made from old car tyres, used bicycle tubes and organically grown hemp.

通过命题意向,可以将语言学和语言哲学有机整合起来。Through propositional attitude, linguistics and philosophy of language can be combined organically.

药物与方剂有机结合,保存大量汉晋魏唐名方及民间验方。Developed row pharmacognosy in the ancient times. made medicine and prescription combined organically.

选择用牧草喂养长大的牛,以及自由放养的鸡和鸡蛋来避免摄入激素。Choose grass-fed, organically raised cattle and free-range, organic chicken and eggs to avoid hormones.

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将“家”塑造成可与庭院交流、可与外部空间有机联系的随意生活场所。Mould "home" into casual life-arena that can exchange with yard, can link organically with outer space.

从有机生长的金盏花和有机洋甘菊花中萃取的精华,有助于舒缓肌肤。Extracts of biodynamically grown calendula and organically grown chamomile flowers help soothe the skin.

如何将这些销售方法与体系有机整合,正是UPCS独特的销售技能的精髓所在。The essence of UPCS's unique selling skills is to organically integrate the sales approaches and system.