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你想和我语聊吗?Do you wanna talk to me on mic?

麦克风开了吗,好,这样可以。Is the mic on? Oh. This is fine.

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他老是把着麦克风跳舞。He always hogs the mic and dances.

我们在舞台上准备一把木吉他和麦克风。We got an acoustic guitar and a mic on stage.

现在您有没注意到主界面上的麦克风选项呢?Now, do you see the mic option on the homepage?

尽管我学会了拿我的纸笔和麦克风沟通。I learned to unify the pen and pad with the mic.

这是真的当涉及到麦克风前放。This is really true when it comes to mic preamps.

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这首歌是二重唱,来吧,拿着话筒一起唱吧。It's a duet. Come on. Pick up the mic and sing along.

结果各配伍煎液的MIC不全相同。Results Not all of the decoctions are of the same MIC.

你可以轻松地用这副有线麦克风任意聊天。You can happily chat away on that wired mic all you like.

高灵敏度麦克风的内部调整声学吉他。High-sensitivity internal mic for tuning acoustic guitars.

如果你从事唱片工作,请购买上好的麦克风和耳机。If you’re doing recording, invest in a good mic or headset.

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当我放下这麦克风的时候,你是依然想要抗争。You gon' either wanna fight when I get off this f-cking mic.

在高音和中音桶鼓上最好使用相同型号的麦克。For the high and mid toms , it's best to use the same model mic.

这将只有麦架基座上的一小部分线的是松弛的。There should be a very little mic cable slack at the mic stand base.

等一下,让我们——哎呦,对不起,他们把话筒拿回到这边了。Hold on, let's get -- whoops, I'm sorry, they took the mic back here.

它一下子点燃了我,我走进狭小的演出夜场并获得成功,我简直为它着迷“她如此说道。That lit me up. I went to a hole-in-the-wall open mic night and killed.

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失配误差是微波功率测量中误差产生的重要原因之一。Unmatching error is one of the main error in mic roware power measurement.

当你在录制视频时,他会使用第二个麦克风录音。When you are recording video, it will use the secondary mic for the sound.

随着即将到来的MIC产品代号为骑士角这应该改变。With the upcoming MIC product codenamed Knights Corner this should change.