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不过,我会尽我所能告诉您如何摆脱侦缉弹出免费。Still, I'll do my best to show you how to get rid of CiD popups for free.

一位伦敦警察厅的发言人说,格林威治刑事侦查部发起了一项调查。A Metropolitan police spokesman said Greenwich CID had launched an investigation.

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每个玩家都可以加你为CID好友,而你也可以通过任何人的CID来加为好友。Anyone can add you as a CID friend, and you can add anyone as a friend from their CID.

除去犯罪侦查部的Alagon封闭刑审室,F区的刑审室是最恐怖的一个了。Area F Torture Chamber is the worst, except for Alagbon Close Torture Chamber at Force CID.

与生物多样性公约在北京变暖,侦缉也受到业界越来越多的关注。With the CBD in Beijing warming, CID is also subject to the industry more and more attention.

CID阵列上的每个像素可以单独通过行列电极的电子标定指数来寻址。Every pixel in a CID array can be individually addressed via electrical indexing of row and column electrodes.

循序扫描同时开启了可以扩展用户选择范围的许多CID照相机的功能的大门。Progressive scanning also opens the door to a number of CID camera features that expand the range of user options.

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五货车的维他命C和纤维很快就在埃尔熙德大街上化为了番茄酱,墙上、人们身上都布满了红色的污点。Five truckloads of vitamin C and fiber were soon pureed on El Cid Street, the ripe redness smeared over walls and people.

睿稚集团的投资股东有德同资本、华威集团等国内外知名公司。Some of Everlearn International Group's major shareholders are well known investors including CID Group, DT Capital and more.

采用CI-340便携式光合作用测定系统,研究红千层的光合特性。The CI-340 portable photosynthesis system of CID was used to study the photosynthetic characteristics of Callistemon rigidus R. Br.

CID照相机的“冻结帧”或者止动装置能力使得其能够精确的捕捉并读取不同时的高速时间。The stop motion or "freeze frame" capability of CID cameras enables them to accurately capture and read asynchronous high-speed events.

一○九九年,他在战争中受伤,死前要求把遗体防腐,待下一次战争,放在他那匹叫巴别卡的马上。Wounded in battle in 1099 and dying, El Cid asked that his body be embalmed, and then seated on his horse, Babieca, during the next battle.

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演示期间,CID战斗识别系统准确识别静止的和正在移动并通过烟,雾和树林的友军车辆。During the demonstration, the CID system correctly identified moving and stationary friendly vehicles through smoke and fog and in tree lines.

睿稚集团的投资股东有德同资本、华威集团、智基创投等国内外知名公司。Some of Everlearn International Group's major shareholders are well known investors including DT Capital, CID Group, ID Tech Ventures and more.

许多旧金山作家开始发表在西德Corman的起源和黑山审查,众议院期刊黑山组。Manyof the San Francisco writers began to publish in Cid Corman's Originand in the Black Mountain Review, the house journals of the BlackMountain group.

CID战斗识别系统包括安装在车辆上的转发器和帮助射手确定友军目标的直接交火武器询问器。The CID system consists of transponders that are mounted on vehicles and direct-fire weapon interrogators to help gunners determine if targets are friendly.

例如,CID照相机的非破坏性读数能力使得其可以传入高度曝光控制到静物的低光度观察。For instance, the nondestructive readout capability of CID cameras makes it possible to introduce a high degree of exposure control to low-light viewing of static scenes.

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西班牙斗牛士曼纽尔耶稣奇德“厄尔尼诺奇德”手表时在圣佛明节科里达一个从萨尔瓦多皮拉尔地产牛市死亡,7月13日2010年在潘普洛纳。Spanish matador Manuel Jesus Cid "El Cid" watches the death of a bull from the El Pilar estate, during a corrida at the San Fermin festival, on July 13, 2010 in Pamplona.

志伟一心想要恢复CID的职务,这天却不测碰到了一同命案发作,没想到死者居然就是刚到新加坡的蔡细妹!ZhiWei driven to restore CID position, but rainy day met together, have never thought the dead incredibly kills attack is just to Singapore zeitlin of fine younger sister!

他的好兄弟甘波地,是名英勇的重案组CID,乐于助人,两人虽然非亲生兄弟但情同手足。Ground of his wave of good brother pleasant, it is the CID of serious case set of a heroism, be happy to help a person, although two people are not one's own brother but brotherly love.