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然后我们听到了一声更大的咆哮。Then we hear a louder growl.

它们会叫、呜咽、咆哮和打哈欠。They'll bark, whimper, growl and yawn.

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这只狗紧盯着我,而且发出低沉的吼叫声。The dog stared at me and gave a low growl.

突然,我们被一声雷鸣般的吼声吵醒。Suddenly we were aroused by a thunder of a growl.

玛丽听见她背后有一只动物在嗥叫,于是转过身来。She turned around after hearing an animal's growl.

我们做父母的有时还是会连吼带叫的。There will still be times when we scowl and growl.

然后我们听到了一声更大的咆哮。猜猜是谁在咆哮?Then we hear a louder growl. Guess who is growling?

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那些熊互相嘶吼“他将是我的。And the little bears growl to each other, "He's mine".

就在那一刻,动物园里的动物们开始同声咆哮。Just at that moment, the animals in the zoo began to growl.

它们发声时,总有一种预备性的、长长的轰鸣声。There was a preparatory and long growl in the speech of them.

仿佛置身在水底,我听到了猎食者的最后一声咆哮。I heard, as if from underwater, the final growl of the hunter.

当其他的狗狗对你家狗狗的粮食很感兴趣的时候,你就能看到狗狗的这种咆哮。You'll see a dog growl when another dog gets interested in his food.

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你知道咆哮叫喊的鬣狗最出名的是什么吗?Spotted hyenas grunt and growl. But you know what they're famous for.

兽非常具有低低吼威胁,并散发出强烈的气味。The beast was very menacing with a low growl and emitted a strong odor.

世贸中心的第一栋大厦开始倒塌,吱呀声很快就变成一片轰鸣。The crumbling began with a whisper and grew to a growl as the first tower imploded.

一旦两头狼不能达成共识,它们就会龇牙咧嘴,互相咆哮。If two wolves have a disagreement, they may show their teeth and growl at each other.

但是在这树林中有野兽躲藏着,不时传来深长的吼声。But now and then there came a deep growl from some wild animal hidden among the trees.

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这位工人有好几次想要抱起那只猫时,那只狗都会对他咆哮。He tried to pick up the cat several times but each time he did so the dog would growl.

它们没有就餐礼仪,人们知道它们只会乱叫、乱咬甚至会伤人。Their table manners are negligible. They're known to shed, bark, growl and bite, even maim.

“你们会后悔的!”加列必的咆哮声响彻了整个会议室。"You will regret! "The growl adding row necessarily resounded through the whole board room.