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你可能已经在我们的帐户上达成的任何保证人资格。Any suretyship you may have entered into on our account.

甲分支机构已经取得总公司C的书面授权书,因此有权对外提供保证。The branch Jia has the power of attorney from the Company C, so he can provide a suretyship.

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保证是一种担保形式,也是经济生活中最常见的一种债的担保形式。Suretyship is a kind of guaranty, which is generally used guarantee a debt in the economic life.

第二章为衡平保证关系当事人利益之必要性的探讨。Chapter 2 is a research on the necessity of equity of interests among the parties to a suretyship.

本法规定的担保方式为保证、抵押、质押、留置和定金。The modes of guaranty as provided by this Law are suretyship , mortgage, pledge, lien and deposit.

其他个人和法人实体给予你们的任何保证人资格或援助的详细资料。The details of any suretyship or backing that may have been given by another person or legal entity.

其次,对各类不同成因的无效保证合同的法律后果作了分析。Secondly, the legal consequences of a variety of causes of the invalid suretyship contract are analyzed.

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总之,还有很多项目都影响你的公司债券和担保资格。In short, there are many other items that can affect your companies eligibility for bonds and suretyship.

保证合同既可能因主合同无效而无效,亦可因自身的原因而无效。Suretyship contract would be null and void not only because of being null and void of the principal contract but also because of its own.

由于其本身在操作方式上的特殊性,以贷还贷中新贷主合同是否有效、以贷还贷新贷保证人是否承担保证责任,向来是理论和实务中争论的焦点问题。For it's characteristic, the effectiveness of the new loan contract and its suretyship liability are always the most disputed problems in theory and practice.

一般保证的保证人在主合同纠纷未经审判或者仲裁,并就债务人财产依法强制执行仍不能履行债务前,对债权人可以拒绝承担保证责任。Article 17 A general suretyship refers to a suretyship contract wherein the parties agree that the surety shall undertake suretyship liability in case the debtor defaults.

若因保证人的过错致保证合同无效,债权人将丧失预期的担保,保证人则应承担缔约过失责任。其构成要件与赔偿范围与保证人承担的其他赔偿责任皆不相同。If creditor lost guaranty depending on suretyship contract, which would be null and void, for fault in surety, surety should bear fault liability during entering into a contract.

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我国民法理论和立法强调并突出了保证的从属性和补充性,一定程度上忽视了其独立性。The suretyship is independent in some ways, which, however, is neglected to some extent by our theory and legislation which mainly focus on its dependence on the principal contract.

根据规定,企业法人的分支机构有法人书面授权的,可以在授权范围内提供保证。According to the regulations, if a branch of an enterprise as a legal person has a power of attorney from the legal person, it may provide a suretyship within the scope of authority.

本规则不适用于有条件的保证或者其他从属性的承诺,在该承诺项下担保人仅在被担保人实际违约时才承担付款义务。These Rules do not apply to suretyship or conditional bonds or guarantees or other accessory undertaking under which the guarantor's duty to pay arises only on actual default by the principal.