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感情是无形燃烧的火焰。Love is a fire which burns unseeing.

而当你终于无视地走过。But when at last you walk past unseeing.

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他迷迷糊糊的望着前面,对一切都视而不见。He looked vaguely before him with unseeing eyes.

它们凝视着虚无,什么都看不见,是一种没有生命的空虚。They are staring out into nothing, unseeing , and empty of life.

在巨大的爆炸声中,卡锡惨叫着和油轮沉入了海底。In a massive explosion, card and tin unseeing tanker sank to the seabed.

在他茫然的注视下,她低垂下眼睛,脸上又掠过一片难以捉摸的红晕。She lowered her eyes under his unseeing stare, and another fugitive flush passed over her face.

一部份看不见的手指,如慵懒的风,在我心上奏着潺潺的乐章。Some unseeing fingers, like an idle breeze, are not playing upon my listent the music of the ripples.

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这小家伙躺在地上一动不动,玻璃般的眼睛一片茫然,蓝色的舌头肿得厉害。The little animal lay motionless on the cobbles, eyes glassy and unseeing , tongue blue and grossly swollen.

他平静了一点,但在以后的几天里,他一直非常冷漠而孤僻,难以接近,双眼总是茫然地直勾勾地盯着窗外。He quieted down somewhat but remained deeply withdrawn and hard to reach those next days, starting out of our little window, unseeing.

他平静了一点,但在以后的几天里,他一直非常孤僻,难以接近,双眼总是茫然地,直勾勾地盯着窗外。He quieted down somewhat but remained deeply withdrawn and hard to reach those next few days, staring out of our little window, unseeing.

我希望我们能没有视力和知识,以便在不看不知之中,观看和认知那超出一切视觉和能力之上者。If only we lacked sight and knowledge so as to see, so as to know, unseeing and unknowing, that which lies beyond the all vision and knowledge.

我得感谢朋友的信任,同时学会不惧怕困难,即刻动手,不必先把事情想得如此艰难。Sol may appreciate friends for his urging or trust and l may get to know the truth that going ahead and don't ask its results when you are in unseeing ahead.

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“人不要奢望不想看见事实的人去弄请事实,”范老师说,“我可以对罪名一概否认,但这又有什么区别?”“One should never hope for the unseeing to see the truth, ” Teacher Fei said now. “I could’ve denied all the accusations, but what difference would it have made?”