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您需要接驳服务吗?。Do you need pickup service?

货物运输时一种中码头业务。Freight pickup is a terminal service.

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畚箕通常用于扫垃圾。A dustpan is often used to pickup rubbish.

祖父过世后我继承了他的小卡车。After grandpa croaked, I inherited his pickup truck.

许多农村地区的家庭都有小货车。Many people who live in rural areas own pickup trucks.

一整套装备箱可以绑缚在一辆小卡车上。An entire kit can be strapped into the back of a pickup.

交收文件、提送支票、样办、送货、提货。Courier document, cheque, sample, deliver and pickup goods.

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你有没有小辆小货车来运输家具?Do you have a pickup truck you could use to haul furniture?

尽管形势严峻,仍有一些企业看到了回暖的迹象.Despite the tough climate, some firms see signs of a pickup.

我喜欢开我的雪佛兰四驱越野皮卡车。I like to drive my Monster Chevy Silverado 4X4 pickup truck.

我的车来了。再见,安吉尔。希望接你的车也会快点来。There's my bus. See you, Angel. Hope your pickup comes soon.

据圣荷西水星报报道,肇事司机尚未被逮捕。The driver of the pickup was not arrested, the Merc reported.

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物镜,光学拾取器,记录器和重现设备。Objective lens, optical pickup device, recorder and reproducer.

我的车后面出现了一辆绿色的皮卡,跟了我好几里。A green pickup comes up behind me and stays behind me for miles.

现免费送出,需要者须自行安排拆卸及运送。Free to give away, but whoever wants it needs to arrange pickup.

史贝莉预测,新版本可能会让销售量激增。The new version could spark a pickup in sales, Sperry predicted.

从现在起,它的皮卡产品都将被命名为骏。From now on, all of its pickup products will be named the Wingle.

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货车司机承认犯有撞车、逃逸和一般杀人罪。The pickup driver pleaded guilty to hit and run and manslaughter.

弗兰克·马里亚诺驾驶他那辆破烂不堪的皮卡车成功穿越了沙漠地带。Frank Mariano negotiates the desert terrain in his battered pickup.

有一名男子身上系好了安全带,面对着飞机飞来的方向。One man was in the pickup harness, facing the path of the aircraft.