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至少五名平民被法外处决。At least five civilians were killed in extrajudicial executions.

失踪"的人常常面临很高的酷刑或法外处决风险。"Disappeared" persons are often at high risk of torture or extrajudicial execution.

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他信在位时期,非司法队伍私自处决了数千贩毒和其他犯罪嫌疑人。Under Mr Thaksin, extrajudicial squads killed thousands of suspected drug-pushers and other criminals.

这些民事案件是由在斯里兰卡内战期间被非法杀害的塔米尔猛虎组织的亲属递交的。The civil actions are by relatives of Tamil victims of alleged extrajudicial killings during the Sri Lankan civil war.

北京警方拒绝她们的申请外,更判处她们为期一年的劳动教养。Beijing police then rejected their application and sentenced them to an extrajudicial term of "re-education through labor".

这个为期40年的冲突一直持续到今天,伴随而来还有大范围由军方指挥的暗杀,这些暗杀让人想到了Marcos的时代。The four-decade conflict continues today, along with widespread extrajudicial killings by the military that are reminiscent of Mr. Marcos’s time.

您是否有从事、指示、煽动、协助或从事杀戮、政治谋杀等其它暴力活动?Have you committed, ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in extrajudicial killings, political killings, or other acts of violence?

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如果他们被拘留于非官方地点,则遭受刑求虐待、非法处决或被迫无故失踪的危险机率更高。If they are held in unofficial places of detention they are at higher risk of torture, ill-treatment, extrajudicial execution or enforced disappearance.

因为移民文件无效,又曾参与海外法外杀害,博伊尔面临诉讼,可能被驱逐离开美国。Boley faces proceedings to remove him from the United States on the basis of invalid immigration documents and involvement in extrajudicial killings overseas.

尽管蓝色贝雷帽已驻扎在海地,但是过渡政府统治下的海地仍有政治暴力、法外处决和逮捕反对势力等情况发生。Despite the presence of the blue helmets, however, political violence, extrajudicial killings, and arrests of opposition members continued under the interim government.

尽管贝德没有提到中国的非法监狱,但他确实提到过奥巴马将讨论“法规”,这个词涉及到很广泛的法庭职权外的惯例。While Mr. Bader did not mention the unofficial jails, he did say that Mr. Obama would discuss "rule of law, " a phrase that would cover a range of extrajudicial practices.

为了解决这些指控提出的问题,联合国法外杀戮问题特别调查员克里斯托弗。To lay these charges to rest u. n. special investigator on extrajudicial killings christof heynes hired four independent forensic experts to examine the authenticity of the video.

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为了解决这些指控提出的问题,联合国法外杀戮问题特别调查员克里斯托弗.海恩斯雇用了4位独立专家,检查这段录像的真实性。To lay these charges to rest, U.N. Special Investigator on Extrajudicial Killings Christof Heynes hired four independent forensic experts to examine the authenticity of the video.

尽管俄罗斯企图压制其批评人士以及隐藏流弊,米拉新娜依然直言不讳,坚持出版强迫失踪、法外处决和酷刑的报道。Despite Russia's attempts to silence its critics and hide abuses, Milashina remains outspoken, publishing accounts of enforced disappearances, extrajudicial executions, and torture.

关于非法虐杀、失踪、随意拘禁、逮捕政治犯、艰苦到威胁生命的监狱条件以及酷刑等问题的报告继续存在。There continued to be reports of extrajudicial killings, disappearances, arbitrary detention, arrests of political prisoners, harsh and life-threatening prison conditions, and torture.

联合国缅甸问题人权特使金塔纳星期一说,人权问题包括没收土地、强迫国内迁徙、内部处置、法外杀戮以及性暴力。Tomas Quintana, the U. N. human rights envoy to Burma, said Monday the abuses include land confiscation, forced labor, internal displacement, extrajudicial killings and sexual violence.

在这盘磁带中,阿亚图拉·侯赛因阿里·蒙塔泽里警告称这些法外处决的行凶者背叛了革命的价值观,在未来他们会被认定为凶手。In the tape, Ayatollah Hosseinali Montazeri warned that the perpetrators of these extrajudicial killings were betraying the revolution's values, and the future would judge them as murderers.

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这里是说外国人通常被逮捕后就马上驱逐出境。文章翻译的时候弄反了吧?Although a common form of punishment for Chinese dissidents, extrajudicial detentions are rarely handed out to foreigners, who are often deported almost immediately after being taken into custody.