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我跟你们说过战斗及追歼残敌的过程I talked to you about the pursuit, the aftermath.

战祸之后,生活艰苦多了。Life was much harder in the aftermath of the war.

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生活在战争的后续状况中更艰苦。Life was much larder in the aftermath of the war.

居民善后处理工作进展如何?。Q2. And how are residents dealing with aftermath?

他们会如何处理战后余殃?How would they cope with the aftermath of the war?

第二个当务之急的事情是处理物品复制及其带来的后果。The second top priority is duping and the aftermath of it.

战争的后果也具有宗教上的重要意义。The aftermath of the war is also of religious significance.

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她的遗体就躺在他前面,死不瞑目。The aftermath lay right in front of him, staring with open eyes.

而这是发生在法国的重大交通事故的严重后果。And this is the mangled aftermath of a massive accident in France.

目前,有关部门正在进行善后处理。Currently, relevant departments under way deal with the aftermath.

但在金融危机之后,所有的一切都可能会发生改变。But in the aftermath of the financial crisis, all that could change.

最后收拾这片残局的人,只能是你自己。Finally tidies up this piece of aftermath the person, only can be you.

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密电门的余波让首次让公众一窥信息战的真面目。The aftermath of Cablegate led to the first publicly viewable infowar.

在遭受攻击后,爱国主义情绪比任何时候都高涨。During the aftermath of the attack, patriotism was at gn all time high.

海啸过后,一名妇女坐在名取的废墟上。In the aftermath of the tsunami, a woman sat amid the debris in Natori.

一共有超过十万人死于关东大地震期间。More than 100,000 people died during the Kanto quake and its aftermath.

如此竭尽激情的结果似乎是很可卑的理由。It seemed a poor excuse now, in the aftermath of such exhausting passion.

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这位老先生负责处理这次车祸的善后工作。This old gentleman is to deal with the aftermath of the traffic accident.

在小石城中心高中危机之后,福伯斯的确做过这样的事。Faubus had actually done that in the aftermath of the Central High crisis.

他被称为世纪银行援助案的中间人。He was named as a go-between in the aftermath of the Bank Century bailout.