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在论坛中我也发现了有很多人抱怨这个情况。This is a big gripe I’ve seen in forums.

美国就不会为中国航母来美国海岸感到烦忧。The US would never gripe about a Chinese carrier off its shore.

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日企苦恼于,走强的日元或许会迫使他们将业务推向海外。Companies gripe that the strong yen may push them to move operations overseas.

西方人经常抱怨中国产品的质量,他们完全不管这些为他们生产这些产品的工人的工作状况。Working conditions aside, Westerners often gripe about the quality of Chinese goods.

我可以享受我的工作,让它充满乐趣,也可以牢骚满腹,抱怨不停,让他人不悦。I can enjoy what Ido, and make it seem fun, Or gripe and complain, take life hard on someone.

无论发生了什么,都不要和其他同事抱怨这个朋友。No matter what has transpired, do not gripe and complain about your ex-friend to other workers.

不论发生了什么,绝不要和其他的同事去抱怨你之前的朋友。No matter what has transpired, do not gripe and complain about your ex-friend to other workers.

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伊拉克商人抱怨CNN过度宣扬该国的暴力行为,虽然这是真实的事情。Iraqi businessmen gripe that CNN exaggerates the violence in their country, but it is real enough.

许多司机都抱怨上下班高峰期的交通拥堵,但是相比之下有些地方的司机怨声会更大。Plenty of drivers complain about rush hour traffic, but some have more to gripe about than others.

通常,请约就谁请客,而且你可没有任何必要对开胃菜的价格或小虾的个数而抱怨。The host generally pays, and no one needs to hear you gripe about appetizer prices or shrimpcount.

主人通常都会支付账单,没人想要听到你抱怨关于开胃菜的价格或者小虾的个数。The host generally pays, and no one needs to hear you gripe about appetizer prices or shrimp count.

这枚作者最有怨念的就是鹅肝酱——因为有些为了取鹅肝,会强制喂食催肥鹅,许多鹅因此而丧命。His biggest gripe is with foie gras, which is basically the liver of a goose that has been force-fed to death.

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但是在这个案例中,Thiel不满的是银行没有估价到Linkedin的巨大的潜力。However in this case Mr Thiel’s gripe was that the banks failed to appreciate LinkedIn’s tremendous potential.

日本的保守政党和报纸抱怨政府处理领土议题不够严肃。Conservative parties and newspapers in Japan gripe that the government does not take territorial issues seriously enough.

它给我造成的最大的麻烦是看不到当前在用标签的列表。My biggest gripe against the native tagging function is that you can’t see a current list of tags that are already in-use.

他们讨厌支付繁重的保险费用来买他们自己的主意,同时他们也抱怨复制军团们咄咄逼人的战术。They hate having to buy back their own ideas at a hefty premium. And they gripe about the clone troopers’ aggressive tactics.

如果你的宝宝不肯吃止哭水,你也可以简单地用止哭水代替水来给宝宝兑奶粉。If your baby won't take the Gripe Water by itself, you can easily use the Gripe Water instead of tap or sterile water when you mix formula.

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我已经累得没力气抱怨多么想玩俄罗斯方块了,于是拿起妈妈放在沙发前面的封皮破旧的精装版小说读了起来。Too exhausted to gripe about how I wanted to play Tetris, I grabbed the tattered hardcover book that my mother had placed in front of the sofa.

莉拉也明白矛盾爆发期间如果阻止她女儿不去商场,马尔塔和任何其它许多孩子一样,结果是再一次的感情受挫,灰心丧气,一蹶不振。Lila has also learned that if she interrupts her daughter during a gripe session, Marta, like most kids, ends up feeling frustrated all over again.

尤其值得一提的是,那些在华开展业务、此前到华盛顿游说对华贸易关系正常化的美国公司,如今却常常满腹牢骚。Notably, the same U.S. companies in China that previously went to Washington to lobby for normalized trade ties with Beijing now often go to gripe.