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科尔·波特Cole Porter.

我需要找一个挑夫。I need a porter.

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科尔·波特是谁呢Who was Cole Porter?

她给脚夫小费。She baksheeshed the porter.

把你的行李交给脚夫。Give your bags to the porter.

我叫一个脚夫帮你好吗?。Shall I have a porter help you?

一个背夫多少钱一天?How much is a porter for one day?

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她与门房争吵起来。She remonstrated with the porter.

波特先生用一只枪制服了他。Mr. Porter subdued him with a gun.

服务员,我的小客室号码是8号。My compartment is number 8, porter.

服悟员把我们引进了候车室。The porter ushered us into the room.

什么时候门房才开那扇门呢?When does the porter open that door?

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你有没有给脚夫一点钱?。Did you give something to the porter?

斯温尼在春天会见鲍特太太。Sweeney to Mrs. Porter in the spring.

那脚夫期待你付小费。The porter expects baksheesh from you.

服务员带我们到候车室。The porter ushered us into the waiting-room.

脚行举起旅行手提箱,把它放到行李槽里。The porter hoisted the valise up on the well.

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“抓住他,”格拉西姆对看门人小声说。"Take hold! "Gerasim whispered to the porter.

公民,我把那封信交给了看门的。Citizen, I delivered the letter to the porter.

为下轮船的人拿出几品脱黑芠评?。Pull pints of porter for the men off the ship.