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他醒过来,冻僵了。He woke.

我在黎明时醒了。I woke up at dawn.

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我醒来时浑身是汗。I woke up in a sweat.

那闹声把我吵醒了。The noise woke me up.

等下,我刚醒?Wait, I just woke up?

这时,有人使劲儿把我摇醒。A rough shake woke me.

他的鼾声吵醒了我。His snores woke me up.

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他的鼾声把我吵醒了。His snores woke me up.

他的鼾声把她惊醒了。His snores woke her up.

到了早上我们醒来。This morning,we woke up.

我似乎落枕了,脖子有些僵硬。I woke up with stiff neck.

我以为你才刚睡醒。瞌睡虫。I thought you just woke up.

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醒来的那个就是约翰斯。That will be Johns woke up.

近黄昏时,开始起风了。The wind woke toward evening.

她的轻吻唤醒了。She woke Endymion with a kiss.

猫醒来时伸伸懒腰。The cat woke up and stretched.

“那她怎么还没醒呢”?"Then why isn't she woke up "?

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响亮的啪啦一声把他惊醒了。What woke him was a loud crash.

当我醒来,相思和困惑围绕在我心头。I woke up lovesick and confused.

没过多久,一个农夫叫醒了他。Before long af armer woke him up.