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您要不要买一本精装本?Would you prefer a hardback edition?

该项目是前书为精装书的封面设计。The project is a front book cover design for a hardback book.

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我们将看到什么我第一次精装玻璃模具将使我们。We will see what my first hardback fiberglass mold will bring us.

他递给彼得森一个差不多精装版书籍大小的包装好的包裹。He handed Peterson a wrapped package about the size of a hardback book.

尽管电子书在大行其道,今年美国的精装书销量仍在上升。hardback sales in the US are up this year, despite the march of ebooks.

现在我发现了,在那个硬皮壳的里面,是感性,善良的内心。And now, i confessed that in that hardback rind is just a sensibility and virtuous heart.

七月八日,英国版火焰杯出版之日,372,775本精装本令人震惊地被一抢而空。On July 8, UK publication day of Goblet of Fire, an astonishing 372,775 hardback copies were sold.

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常用来代替棉布作装订精装书籍的坚固和压有布纹的纸。Imitation cloth Strong and embossed paper commonly used for binding hardback books instead of cotton cloth.

行李连续不断地从佛罗伦斯无所不闻的鼻子下通过,其中有一个毫不起眼的硬皮手提箱。Among the cavalcade of luggage passing beneath Florence's all-smelling nose is a nondescript hardback suitcase.

这仍有一般的读者,但即使是对他们来说,精装的图书在不远的未来也可能有了变化。There are still traditional readers but, even for them, the hardback library books may evolve in the near future.

布伦斯贝利已经屈服于压力,并将在今年10月份出版的精装版上以黑人女孩作封面。Bloomsbury has now bowed to the pressure and will publish the hardback of Liar this October featuring a black girl.

他说他要等到平装书上市后再买,不过我们可以给他买一本精装本当做礼物,你不觉得这个主意很好吗?He said that he would wait for it to nete out in paperback, but we could get him the hardback as a present, dont you th nk?

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娱乐性阅读时我更喜欢平装或者精装的纸质书,但如果是做研究,我更喜欢可以连入互联网的设备。I prefer paperback or hardback books for pleasure reading but, for research, I prefer a device with access to the Internet.

1630年自画像是他的五幅镀金铜版画之一,也是最小的画作之一,只有精装书大小。Self Portrait, from 1630, is one of only five paintings he executed on copper, and one of his smallest, the size of a hardback book.

第一书市正在就市场上新的硬封面版图书与书市特殊的平装版图书的同步上市进行谈判。The First Book Marketplace is negotiating for the simultaneous release of a special paperback Marketplace edition of selected new hardback releases on the market.

我们的产品质量保证,品种繁多,包括各类纸品印刷、软抄、中高档硬抄、线圈类簿册、高档皮制封面日记本等。We guarantee product quality, wide variety, including all kinds of paper printing, softback notebook, hardback notebook, spiral notebook, leather cover notebook, etc.

这个项目很可能最适合一个熟练的和富有创造性的插画,在前面的全彩色精装书手稿包括生产经验。This project is likely to best suit a skilled and highly creative illustrator, experienced in the production of full colour front covers for hardback book manuscripts.