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她生在滨海蒙特勒伊①。She was born at M. sur M.

漫步春天里,我来到伊通河畔。Walk through the spring, I came to Iraq- sur -.

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会,因为一般下雨的话出去就不怎么方便了。Bien sur. Because the general rained out not convenient.

阿拉斯和杜埃都羡慕滨海蒙特勒伊有这样一位市长,说这是个幸运的小城。Arras and Douai envied the happy little town of M. sur M. its mayor.

滨海蒙特勒伊在这种贸易上几乎和伦敦、柏林处于竞争地位。M. sur M. almost rivalled London and Berlin in this branch of commerce.

就是冉迪曾经跑过的26英里国际马拉松赛程的一小段。A fraction of the 26 miles he once ran in the Big Sur International Marathon.

而这是'Phir英里苏尔凯达Tumhara'与小孩的视频拍摄。It was while shooting for 'Phir Mile Sur Mera Tumhara' video with little kids.

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结果胶质瘤细胞表面有大量伪足结构和微绒毛结构。Results There are many pseudopodia and microvilli on the glioma cell sur face.

阴蒂体与阴蒂头相连,位于表皮之下,或者说阴蒂头就是阴蒂体的末端。The clitoral shaft is attached to the glans, just underneath the sur face of the skin.

取而代之的是从巴拉望,卡马里内斯苏尔和保和较偏远的物业。In their place were relatively remote properties from Palawan, Camarines Sur and Bohol.

如加利福尼亚州大瑟尔海岸大片是广角Gigapxl相机完美。Expanses such as the Big Sur Coast of California are perfect for the wide-angle Gigapxl camera.

我们知道,沙威在作证以后,已经立即回到滨海蒙特勒伊。The reader knows that Javert had returned to M. sur M. Immediately after having given his deposition.

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他初到滨海蒙特勒伊时,他的服装、举动和谈吐都象一个工人。On his arrival at M. sur M. he had only the garments, the appearance, and the language of a workingman.

被劫人质来自棉兰老岛上南阿古桑省的一个村庄及当地一所学校。The hostages were from a village in Agusan del Sur province on Mindanao island and the local village school.

把她的小珂赛特交给德纳第夫妇以后,她继续赶路,到了滨海蒙特勒伊。After leaving her little Cosette with the Thenardiers, she had continued her journey, and had reached M. sur M.

我们设计了与我们项目的尺寸相关的非常特殊的木材,因此创造出一个独特的外立面。We designed very special timbers related to the dimensions of our project. It is a a unique facade, sur mesure.

我们还记得,当他从滨海蒙特勒伊逃跑时,他是带着这一对烛台的。It will be remembered that he had carried off the candlesticks when he made his escape from Montreuil- sur -Mer.

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与加州的很多地方一样,在过去的几十年中,大南方岬遭受了干旱和升温的双重打击。Like much of California, Big Sur has been hard hit over the past few decades by drought and rising temperatures.

Soberanes大苏尔附近,加州是一条崎岖的一块到了4000英尺的海岸线支持的山脉。Soberanes Point, in Big Sur near Carmel California is a rugged piece of coastline backed by 4,000 foot mountains.

一个钟头过后,有个人在树林和迷雾中大踏步离开了滨海蒙特勒伊向着巴黎走去。An hour later, a man, marching amid trees and mists, was rapidly departing from M. sur M. in the direction of Paris.