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把它拿到厨房去。Take it to the kitchen.

厨房的洗碗盆渗漏。The kitchen sink leaks.

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厨房面朝北。The kitchen faces north.

回到我的厨房活动中。Back to my kitchen caper.

我信步走进厨房。I wander into the kitchen.

重新粉刷厨房?对啊。A. Repaint the kitchen?Yes.

他们卖厨房用具。They sell kitchen utensils.

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白氏女在厨房。Mrs White is in the kitchen.

我家厨房的排气扇坏了。My kitchen fan doesn't work.

厨房风扇不工作了。厨房风扇坏了。The kitchen fan doesn't work.

厨房浴室柜。Kitchen and bathroom counters.

小猫溜进了厨房。The cat walked in the kitchen.

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厨房里整一烂摊子。The kitchen was an awful mess.

史密斯夫人的庖厨很小。mrs. smith's kitchen is small.

到厨房来,李燕。Come into the Kitchen , Li Yan.

他说完愤怒的进了厨房。He then fumes into the kitchen.

这把刀是厨房的吗?Is this knife from the kitchen?

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布鲁托在他家的厨房里。Pluto's at home in the kitchen.

在厨房里她用刀伤了自己。She cut herself in the kitchen.

她有间半大不小的厨房。She has a medium-sized kitchen.