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文章分为四个部分,第一部分探讨了新时期诗歌“史诗”追求的背景和原因。In this article , we will dissertate the epical scene with four parts.

本设计论文是论述一个BREW平台开发运行的手机地址簿程序。This paper dissertate the cellphone contacts program that platformed in BREW.

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文章首先论述了河池工业经济发展的历史和现状。Firstly, this paper dissertate history and actuality of development of industrial economy in Hechi.

第三章论述了开明出版的书籍对新文学发展作出的贡献。The third chapter dissertate that what the books Kaiming Bookstore published contributes to modern literature.

最后,论述了在我国建立检察官参与家事诉讼的必要性和可行性。Finally, I also dissertate the necessity and feasibility of setting up a system for inquisitor to participate family trial.

日本神道“土金传”来源于中国的阴阳五行思想,吉川惟足首先在吉川神道中作了系统论述。The Japanese Shino "Soilmetals" is from Chinese "Yinyang Wuxing" thought. Yaoxikawa kolitali frist dissertate it in the Shinto of Yaoxikawa.

本文对其涵义、历史发展及功能进行了论述,说明这一原则对我国民法典制定的价值。Here the author wants to dissertate the signification, function and evolution of it so as to account for the importance to China's civil code.

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第四部分主要论述了在语文教育化用时尚用语过程中语文教师的作用。Mainly, the fourth part dissertate the functions of the Chinese teachers performing in the terms of resolving and utilizing the fashion terminology.

本文以TRS为例,论述了文献信息管理系统的功能、作用及建设与发布。This paper gives an example of the TRS to dissertate the function, construction and popularization of the literature and information management system.

依据获得的数据和相关的理论,本文论述了现行举证时限制度的缺陷。According to the acquired datas and related theories, this text will dissertate the disadvantage of the limit institution of adducing evidence at present.

因此,可以构建一种基于B-S期权定价模型的看跌期权定价公式,以计量保险费的大小。In addition, we further dissertate how to apply the B-S option-pricing model to the measurement of premium from two sides of the theory and the demonstration.

本文通过论述图像处理的基本原理,对图像获取、建立对照表、控制模块等进行了一定的应用研究。In this text I dissertate the basic principle of image manipulation, making application research of image gaining, building contrast table and control module.

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本文根据作者多年的监理经验,对高速公路路基桥涵某些容易忽视的质量问题和控制方法及注意事项进行了论述。The paper dissertate quality problems and control method to be ignored easily in the construction of roadbed and bridge and culvert by the writer's experience for years.

本文论述高炉煤气放散管经一次燃烧失败的事故后,整改技术工艺,改善燃烧效果。This article dissertate discharge pipes of blast furnace gas after once accident of burning unsuccessful, technic and technology are changed, the burning effect are improved.

论文分六章对新闻事实的类型及其采写规律展开论述,并在最后一章对论文的主要观点进行归纳和总结。The paper is consisted of six chapters which dissertate the types and writing laws of news fact in all ways whose main points are concluded and summarized in the final chapter.

通过中耕深松技术的田间作业实验,验证了中耕深松技术的蓄水保墒作用,指出中耕深技术应在阜新地区推广应用。This article dissertate that the effect of sluice which is represented by subsoiling in the area of agriculture production, and showing that the subsoiling can be popularized in Fuxin area.

因此,本文试图就王国维美育思想形成的文化渊源,来探询“美育的独立性”的理论来源。Therefore, this dissertation discusses the cultural origin of the aesthetic education thought of Wang Guo-wei in order to dissertate theoretic origin of the independence of aesthetic education.