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有些人死于因训练过度和过量的麻黄碱。Some people died because of overtrain and overdosage of Ephedrine.

瞬态可逆的低血压可能发生在意外过量的情况。Transient reversible hypotension may occur in cases of accidental overdosage.

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过量的万古霉素可引起早产儿可逆性肾损害。Vancomycin overdosage can produce reversible renal impairment in preterm neonates.

应注意鉴别阿托品过量中毒与农药中毒昏迷。We should distinguish atropine overdosage from coma caused by pesticide poisoning.

如果服药过量,即可出现完全性意识消失,直至昏迷,大脑生命中枢受到抑制。In overdosage complete unconsciousness amounting to coma occurs with depression of the vital centers of the brain.

在放射治疗中照射过度和照射不足均可能对患者产生严重甚至致命的后果。Overdosage as well as underdosage may have severe or even fatal consequences for patients undergoing radiotherapy.

好尔睡服用过量的表现是其药理活性的扩展,即嗜睡和催眠。Manifestations of Halcion overdosage include extensions of its pharmacological activity, namely somnolence and hypnosis.

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因此本品用量过头既不影响产品质量,也不造成浪费,仅仅出现泡沫覆盖层厚度增加。So the overdosage of it will not affect the quality and not cause the waste. And only some raise of the foam will occur.

该药标签中的“警告”和“过量”栏目正在被修改,以反映上述潜在的不良事件。The "warnings" and "overdosage" sections of the drug's labeling are being changed to reflect these potential adverse events.

曲马多过量可能造成的后果是严重的中枢神经系统抑制,呼吸抑制和死亡。Serious potential consequences of overdosage with tramadol are central nervous system depression, respiratory depression and death.

过量使用替罗非班时,应根据患者的临床情况适当中断治疗或调整滴注剂量。Overdosage of AGGRASTAT should be treated by assessment of the condition and cessation or adjustment of the drug infusion as appropriate.

对一线及二线抗结核药物治疗剂量及过量使用的主要副作用及治疗进行了概述。The major adverse effects and its management for first and second line antituberculotics with the regular dosage or overdosage were outlined.