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类似于天南星的欧洲海芋植物。European arum resembling the cuckoo pint.

魔芋是埃及的神与羊的头。Arum was an Egyptian god with a Ram's head.

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这样他们就可以带着白星海芋的花粉去给其他海芋授粉了。so that they can go and carry the pollen to another Arum.

梅威瑟、哈伊盟和阿鲁姆之间已经有过一次认真的商讨。Mayweather and Haymon have had a serious falling out with Arum.

这些海芋属植物也叫水芋,现在市售的有干球茎也有连盆的。These arum or calla lilies are sold as dry bulbs now or in pots.

箭叶芋,水芋与黑海芋同种的植物,如箭叶芋和水芋。Any of several related plants such as the arrow arum and water arum.

白星海芋通过让苍蝇看起来和闻起来像是腐肉来吸引苍蝇。The Dead Horse Arum attracts flies by looking and smelling like dead meat.

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我的猜想是阿鲁姆不会让库托比赛,因为有几个原因。My guess is Arum won't let Cotto take the fight because of a couple of reasons.

据阿拉姆和洛克撒说,最完善的是“性能任务部分”。According to Arum and Roksa, the best developed is the “performance task component.”

如果库托的推广人鲍勃•阿鲁姆允许他同马丁内兹比赛,这将会是一场伟大的比赛!This would be a great fight if Cotto's promoter Bob Arum would allow him to take the fight with Martinez.

邱园中最大的泰坦魔芋重达200磅,而且生长速度惊人,每小时长0.25英寸。The largest Arum at Kew gardens weighs 200lb and grows at a staggeringrate of a quarter of an inch an hour.

如果阿鲁姆让库托与马丁内斯比赛,那么库托很可能会被击败。If Arum were to put Cotto in with Martinez all that would happen is that Cotto would get beaten up and stopped.

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泰坦魔芋的开花方式很奇特,因而世界各地的收藏家和植物爱好者都渴望收藏这种植物。Titan Arum is coveted by collectors and plant enthusiasts around the world because of its strange blooming patterns.

在推广拉美市场方面,没有推广人能出顶衔推广的阿鲁姆之右。There was no promoter who was as ahead of the curve in terms of exploiting the Latin market than Top Rank and Bob Arum.

大鬼芋是植物学家于1878年在印尼的苏门答腊岛发现的,很多人认为它的开花是世界上最壮观的花开景象。The titan arum was discovered by botanists on Sumatra in 1878 and is considered by many to have the most spectacular blossom in the world.

不过,阿鲁姆有个有趣的理论,说是非洲裔拳手正陷入白人观众下滑的趋势中。But Arum has an interesting theory, saying that African-American boxers have really suffered as interest declined in the general white community.

我的确相信库托真的想同马丁比赛,但是相当明显,阿鲁姆不渴望这场比赛,因为他知道马丁内兹有多棒。I do give credit for Cotto for wanting to fight Martinez, but it's pretty obvious that Arum won't bless this fight because of how good Martinez is.

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不清楚的是阿鲁姆是否真想要这场比赛,或者知道比赛根本就没有机会发生,想从中捞点好处。Not clear is whether Arum really wants this fight, or knows there is no chance it will ever happen and has decided to get mileage out of it, anyway.

马加里托同曼尼帕奎奥比赛受伤痊愈后,阿鲁姆也想让库托与马加里托在明年的某个时候进行重赛。Arum also wants to put Cotto in with Antonio Margarito for a rematch sometime next year after Margarito's wounds heal from his battle with Manny Pacquiao.

阿鲁姆方面快要出笼11月14日帕奎奥VS库托的协议了,他们之间的胜者与梅威瑟的比赛将是拳击界的盛事。Arum is closing in on a deal for a Nov. 14 fight between Pacquiao and Cotto. A fight between the winner and Mayweather would be the biggest fight in boxing.