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我相信他的誓言。I believe his troth.

的确,我想她会的。In troth I think she would.

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你永远不要给什么誓言!You should never give any troth !

这的确似乎是不言自明的。This troth seems to be self-evident.

一颗心,一张床,两个胸怀,一个信念。One heart, one bed, two bosoms, and one troth.

生活真实是判断艺术真实的主要标准。Life troth is the main criterion in judging art truth.

我真不明白,你我相爱之前在干什么?I wonder by my troth , what thou and I Did, till we loved?

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诚信是社会三大文明发展的共同要求。The Troth and the Credit are the common claim of the social Civilization.

另一方面,它尝试以朝向“存在之真理”的开放姿态来获得更为丰富而广阔的人类经验。On the other hand, it aims at the "troth of Being" to obtain richer human experience.

新闻报道中,永远会有一个“对谁来说的真实”或“提供谁需要的真实”的问题。There is always a question of"the truth to whom"or"who needs the troth"in news reports.

但盟誓作为一种习俗,随着历史的发展,其功能也发生了相应的变化。However, as a custom, the functions of troth are changing with the development of history.

政治诚信成为当代政治文明一块不可缺少的文化基石。The socialist democracy ask she "Troth", the Troth and the Credit have been to the political culture base.

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诚信文化对于物质文明的意义,一是对信用制度的支持,二是其渗透于经济活动中的诚信理念。The importance of the Troth and Credit the to the Civilization in material, first it can support the credit institution.

而以往哲学对于真理的片面理解,往往由意识形态导致历史与现实的悲剧后果。The one-side approach to troth of traditional philosophy, following from its ideology, usually leads to a historically and realistically tragic result.

本公司承诺对提供信息的真实性承担完全责任,并愿意主动于每年一月份向PACTL更新以上信息。We promise that we will take responsibility for the troth of our company information provided above and submit update information to PACTL in January of each year.

本文在最后对地价的评估结果与定级影响因素从定量的角度进行了相关性分析,从结论出发对各因素因子权重的确定从定性的角度给以佐证。This paper makes quantitative correlation analysis between the results and grading influence factors, and makes qualitative evidence in troth the weight of every factor from the results.