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这枚戈比是一个俄罗斯叔叔给的。The kopeck was given by an uncle from Russia.

科比在得到海报时表现的非常兴奋。The kopeck when obtains the playbill displays is excited.

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赛后科比只跟他说了一句“我们训练营见”。After the game the kopeck only said to him "our training battalion sees".

这样的话刨去沃顿,科比,加索尔,我们需要有15名球员。Such words minus Worton, the kopeck , Jiasuoer, we need to have 15 players.

最终,科比领衔的湖人以108-104击败了加索尔的家乡球队。Finally, kopeck leading Lakers by 108-104 have defeated Jiasuoer hometown team.

“什么也不用”,犹太人说,”我给他们一个铜板,它们爱吃什么就买什么”“Nothing!” pleads the Jew. “I give him a kopeck and he buys whatever he wants.”

而科比自己则保持了一贯的要强,绝不会跟别人承认自己的疲惫。But kopeck maintained consistent striving to excel, will not acknowledge own exhausted with others.

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而科比和参加了,所以在训练营中,他们也许不会天天参加。But the kopeck and participated, therefore in the training battalion, they daily will perhaps not participate.

都知道科比是铁人,但这么多的隐患还是让我们不禁为他捏了把汗。Knew that the kopeck is an iron man, but these many hidden dangers let us be unable to restrain to be anxious for him.

科比、加索尔再加上伤愈归队的拜纳姆,湖人的实力再次被提高。The kopeck , Jiasuoer add on Bynum who again the recovery returns to the unit, Lakers' strength are enhanced once more.

目前,所有的人都在猜测,科比到底会不会在本赛季结束后选择跳出合同。At present, all people were guessing that the kopeck could jump out the contract in this season conclusion postselection.

因此留住科比的唯一方法,那就是湖人给小飞侠一份顶薪合同。Therefore detains the kopeck the only method, that is Lakers goes against the firewood contract for small flying variant one.

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第二节过半,孙悦作为组织后卫替补上场,与湖人老大科比搭档。The second section more than half, Sun Yue substitutes as the shooting guards goes on stage, with Lakers eldest child kopeck partner.

因为他教练生涯的辉煌,总离不开传奇巨星,从乔丹到奥尼尔,再到现在的科比。Because he trains the profession the magnificence, always cannot leave the legendary giant star, from Jordan to O'Neill, again to present's kopeck.

不过为了确保不再度受伤,科比整场只打了8分钟,得到6分、1个篮板球和1次助攻。However to guarantee that is injured not once again, the kopeck entire field has only hit 8 minutes, obtains 6 point, 1 rebound and 1 secondary attack.

昨天的高调亮相,使得很多人认为他已经得到了球队的信任,即将成为科比真正的队友。Yesterday's high-sounding talk presented that causes many people to think that he already obtained team's trust, soon became the kopeck genuine teammate.

下半场比赛科比先声夺人连得7分,再度将分差扩大到两位数。The second half competition kopeck forestalls opponent by a show of strength continually 7 points, will divide the difference to expand once again to two figures.

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而比赛中科比也出现在替补席上,穿着一件黑白相间的休闲毛衣,让人们看到了斯文的一面。But competes the kopeck also to appear on the substitution mat, is putting on a black and white interaction leisure woolen sweater, let the people see refined one side.

“球队夏天实力得到很大提升,”科比说,“但凯尔特人实力更强,因此我们要更专注防守。”"the team the strength obtains the very big promotion in the summer, " the kopeck said that ", but the Celts strength is stronger, therefore we must a more dedicated defense.

从某种意义上来说,小拇指在运球和投篮时的影响不如其他手指的作用大,这种伤痛带给科比的更多是精神上的折磨。In a sense, the pinky in dribbles with the shooting time influence was inferior that other finger's function is big, this kind of grief takes to the kopeck much is in spiritual suffering.