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现在,比以前更多的是把钱存在银行里不花。Now, more than ever, their money is sitting in banks, unspent.

人生最痛苦的事情是人死了钱还没用完。The worst thing in life is you're dead with your money unspent.

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用以填补赤字的是原本不会被花掉的金钱。Deficits are financed by borrowing money that would otherwise be unspent.

来自某部的消息源称,此前的通常做法是把未使用的资金作为“圣诞节奖金”发放。Previously, the norm — according to one ministry source — was to use the unspent money as a 'Christmas bonus'.

你可能会告诉孩子你将希望花多少钱来给他们买旅游纪念品,并让他们自己负责超出预算的部分…You might tell children how much you are willing to pay for their souvenirs and let them keep anything unspent.

王教授的报告解释了资金的来源,和为什么会有更多的资金没有使用。Wang’s report explains where that money is coming from, and why there is even more of that cash that remains unspent.

请收好兑换单,再把未用完的人民币换成港元可能用得着。Please take care of the exchange memo. You may need it for converting your unspent Renminbi back into Hong Kong dollars.

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我的目标是旅行结束后带回足够的未用“旅游钱”,交一个'整月车款。My goal is to shave time off that deadline by bringing home enough unspent “travel money” to make a full months’ car payment.

又有一次,我们在骑马的时候,他又这样叫了一声,提出挑战。从这一点和其它方面可以看出他精力过人。Another time, when we were riding, he yelled out a similar challenge. In this way and others he gave the impression of great unspent energy.

共和党人承诺将削减联邦支出﹐把去年财政刺激行动中尚未使用的资金归还给财政部﹐并废除奥巴马提出的医保法案。Republicans have promised to cut federal spending, return unspent money from last year's stimulus act to the Treasury and repeal Mr. Obama's health-care law.

本人负责这项活动的筹办工作,并尽速把所有资助馀款付还康乐及文化事务署。I shall be responsible for implementation of the proposed activity and shall promptly reimburse any unspent subsidy to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.