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当然我告诉我自己,那是不可能的。Of course I told myself that's impassible.

这类不觉疼痛的地形没有在它上涂上的闸极栏。This sort of impassible terrain has no grid overlaid on it.

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唉,我这辈子,是不可能有一个快乐的童年了。In my life, I think to have a happy childhood is impassible.

困难的事情我们马上做。不可能的事情需要稍微长一点的时间。The difficulty we do at once. The impassible takes a little loner.

有时候,热带暴雨让泥路无法行走。The dirt roads were, at times, impassible because of the heavy tropical rains.

他对员工们的困难绝不会无动于衷,而是竭尽全力帮助他们。He's never impassible to his employees' difficulties, but helps them as much as possible.

就像是墙或是其他无法通行的地形,你也必须绕过你的敌人才能过去。Just as with walls or other impassible terrain, you must count the cost of going around enemies.

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一些类型不觉疼痛的地形,例如船壳在毁灭战斗地图领域,算作为墙。Some types of impassible terrain, such as ship hulls in the Field of Ruin battle map, count as walls.

机器能完成许多手工不可能完成的工作,它们做得又快又准确。Machines can Perform many tasks which are impassible to do by hand and they can do the work faster and more accurately.

超过每日使用距离的穿戴者将从该材料的进入处被弹出,仆倒在无法穿越的墙壁前。A wearer who exceeds this daily allotment is ejected from the material at the point of entry, ending up prone in front of the now impassible wall.

四川隐蔽于中国内地,是一个物产富饶、以农业为主的盆地,其面积相当于法国,四面被崇山峻岭环绕。Tucked deep in China’s interior, Sichuan is a rich agricultural basin the size of France, surrounded on all sides by a ring of nearly impassible mountains.

根据客观经济规律,工业发展到一定阶段后对农业进行反哺是各国工业化进程中一个不可逾越的历史阶段。Due to economic evolution general disciplinarian, it is an impassible historical stage to return nurturing to agriculture when industrial process reaches somehow moment.