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他因没有支付去年的税而惹出麻烦了。He was in trouble for nonpayment of his last year's tax.

拖欠月费或年费60天的会员将被视为自动退出。Membership will be invalidated after 60 days of nonpayment of annual or monthly fee.

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至少有一名违约的中国买家用不付款的方式来发表自己的政治观点。At least one defaulting Chinese bidder has used nonpayment to make a political point.

这次罢工开始于五月十日,超出了未付薪的加班时间,已违反了集体的意见。The strike began on 10 May over the nonpayment of overtime, in contravention of the collective agreement.

似乎没有人能帮助,你会不会借给一个好朋友钱的时候,不存在任何反响,为。No one seems to be able to help, would you lend a good friend money when there are no repercussions for nonpayment ?

就在几十年前,18世纪70年代,联邦政府开始接管那些因拖欠税款而丧失使用权的砍伐迹地。Just decades earlier, in the 1870s, the state had begun taking over parcels of cutover land forfeited for nonpayment of taxes.

能否在中国刑法中增加“拖欠工资罪”在学者和法律工作者中引起广泛争论。Scholars and legal workers have controversial opinions on whether the "nonpayment of wages crime" should be added in Chinese Criminal Law.

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但他周二说,中国第一大航运公司中国远洋的拒付行为令人担忧,还说有效合同必须得到履行。Still, he said Tuesday that the alleged nonpayment by China's top shipping firm is a cause for concern and that valid contracts must be honored.

目前,国内建筑领域存在的许多问题,如工程质量、工程款拖欠等,都与承包商合同履行不良有着密切的关系。Nowadays, many problems exist in Chinese construction market, such as quality and nonpayment , which obviously related with bad performance of contract.

既然那些被拍卖商因无人付款而退回卖家的古董通常只能大打折扣后在私人交易中再次出卖,这样做是对卖家负责任的表现。That’s a major liability for sellers, since antiquities returned by auctioneers for nonpayment can generally only be sold again in private deals at deep discounts.

担保人据此保证,它将继续使自己知晓关乎债务履行风险的卖方财务状况及所有其他情形。Guarantor hereby covenants that it will continue to keep itself informed of Sellers financial condition and of all other circumstances, which bear upon the risk of nonpayment.

持票人行使追索权,应当提供被拒绝承兑或者被拒绝付款的拒绝证明或者退票理由书以及其他有关证明。To exercise the right to recourse, the holder shall provide a protest or the grounds for dishonor and other certificates concerning the dishonor by nonacceptance or nonpayment.

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作为第三方,EMS在线负责管理信用证或保证金,以免发生顾客不支付或承运人不发货的情况。As a third party, EMS Online acts as a holding manager of letters of credit or cash deposits against possible nonpayment by customers or the failure to deliver network by carriers.